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kann mir jemand helfen ?

In meinem Shop sieht man die E-Bay Auktion nicht,die ich noch laufen habe !

Hat schon mal funktioniert aber hatte längere Zeit nichts drin.

Hier die E-Bay.htm :



<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

<title>Auktionen eBay</title>



<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


<th scope="col"><br>

<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Bei Klick auf Artikelbild oder -nummer kommen Sie direkt zur Auktion. </font><br>

<br> </th>




// Define our variables


// Your Ebay Member Name

$ebayid = "groppe19";

// Display Thumbnails?

$thumbs = "1"; // 1 = yes 0 = no

// Open Links in a new window?

$newwindow = "1"; // 1 = yes 0 = no

// Table Border Color

$table_border_color = "#FF6600";

// Table Header Row Color

$table_header_color = "#FFcc66";

// Table Alt Color Row 1

$table_row1_color = "#FFFFFF";

// Table Alt Color Row 2

$table_row2_color = "#FFFFee";

// Ebay uses Pacific time zone use this to add hours for your time zone

$timezone = "0";

// Display Ended Auctions (-1 = Current, 1 - 30 = Up to 30 Days in the past)

$since = "-1";

//Sort By (Item Number = 1, Auction Start = 2, Auction End = 3, Current Price = 4, Newest First = 8,)

$sort = "3";

// Display how many per page - Set to a very high number like 999999 for all your listings

$limit = "999";


// Nothing Below Here needs editing.

// Start our border table

echo "

<TABLE border=\"0\" cellPadding=\"0\" cellSpacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">

<TR><TD bgcolor=\"$table_border_color\"><TABLE border=\"0\" cellPadding=\"2\" cellSpacing=\"1\" width=\"100%\">


<TD bgcolor=\"$table_header_color\"><font size=\"2\"><strong>Artikel</strong></font></TD>

<TD width=\"100%\" bgcolor=\"$table_header_color\"><font size=\"2\"><strong>Beschreibung</strong></font></TD>

<TD bgcolor=\"$table_header_color\"><font size=\"2\"><strong>Dauer</strong></font></TD>

<TD bgcolor=\"$table_header_color\"><font size=\"2\"><strong>Preis</strong></font></TD>

<TD bgcolor=\"$table_header_color\"><font size=\"2\"><strong>Endet</strong></font></TD>



// Build the ebay url

$URL = "http://cgi6.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?MfcISAPICommand=ViewListedItems&userid=$ebayid&since=$since&sort=$sort&rows=0";

// Where to Start grabbing and where to End grabbing

$Start = "Zum Sortieren klicken Sie auf die Spaltenüberschriften";

$GrabEnd = "";

// Open the file

$file = fopen("$URL", 'r');

// Read the file

if (!function_exists('file_get_contents')) {

$r = fread($file, 80000);


else {

$r = file_get_contents($URL);


// Grab just the contents we want

$stuff = eregi("$Start(.*)$GrabEnd", $r, $content);

// Get rid of some rubbish we don't need.

// And set things up to be split into lines and items.

$content[1] = ereg_replace("</a><table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"3\".*</td><br></tr>","",$content[1]);

$content[1] = ereg_replace("<tr bgcolor=\"#CCCCFF\">.*Höchstbietender\/Status","",$content[1]);

$content[1] = ereg_replace("<tr bgcolor=\"#CCCCFF\">.*Höchstbietender\/Status","",$content[1]);

$content[1] = str_replace("</table>", "", $content[1]);

$content[1] = str_replace("</th>", "", $content[1]);

$content[1] = str_replace("\r\n", "", $content[1]);

$content[1] = str_replace("\n", "", $content[1]);

$content[1] = str_replace("\r", "", $content[1]);

$content[1] = str_replace("<td align=\"center\">", "", $content[1]);

$content[1] = str_replace("<td>", "", $content[1]);

$content[1] = str_replace("<td align=\"right\">", "", $content[1]);

$content[1] = str_replace("<font color=\"\">", "", $content[1]);

$content[1] = str_replace("</font>", "", $content[1]);

$content[1] = str_replace("<tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\">", "", $content[1]);

$content[1] = str_replace("<tr bgcolor=\"#efefef\">", "", $content[1]);

$content[1] = str_replace("<tr bgcolor=\"#efefef\">", "", $content[1]);

$content[1] = str_replace("</td>", "[iTEMS]", $content[1]);

$content[1] = str_replace("</tr>", "[LINES]\n", $content[1]);

/* freed: 02.09.2004 */

$content[1] = str_replace("<td color=\"\">", "", $content[1]);

// Line used during debug

// echo "<hr>$content[1]<br><br> <hr>";

// Close the file


$stuff = $content[1];

// Build our first array for EOF

$items = explode("[LINES]",$stuff);

// Loop through our lines

$count = "0";

foreach ($items as $listing) {

// Break apart each line into individual items

list($Item,$Start,$End,$Price,$Title,$HighBidder ) = explode("[iTEMS]",$listing);

//Use a countdown to get Time Left

//We first need to break apart End and convert the months to numbers

$seperate = split('[. :]', $End);

// $seperate[0] = str_replace("Jan", "1", $seperate[0]);

// $seperate[0] = str_replace("Feb", "2", $seperate[0]);

// $seperate[0] = str_replace("Mar", "3", $seperate[0]);

// $seperate[0] = str_replace("Apr", "4", $seperate[0]);

// $seperate[0] = str_replace("May", "5", $seperate[0]);

// $seperate[0] = str_replace("Jun", "6", $seperate[0]);

// $seperate[0] = str_replace("Jul", "7", $seperate[0]);

// $seperate[0] = str_replace("Aug", "8", $seperate[0]);

// $seperate[0] = str_replace("Sep", "9", $seperate[0]);

// $seperate[0] = str_replace("Oct", "10", $seperate[0]);

// $seperate[0] = str_replace("Nov", "11", $seperate[0]);

// $seperate[0] = str_replace("Dec", "12", $seperate[0]);

$day = $seperate[0];

$month = $seperate[1];

$year = $seperate[2];

$hour = $seperate[3]+$timezone;

$minute = $seperate[4];

$second = $seperate[5];

// mktime is the marked time, and time() is the current time.

$target = mktime($hour,$minute,$second,$month,$day,$year);

$diff = $target - time();

$days = ($diff - ($diff % 86400)) / 86400;

$diff = $diff - ($days * 86400);

$hours = ($diff - ($diff % 3600)) / 3600;

$diff = $diff - ($hours * 3600);

$minutes = ($diff - ($diff % 60)) / 60;

$diff = $diff - ($minutes * 60);

$seconds = ($diff - ($diff % 1)) / 1;

// next we put it into a presentable format

$Time_Left = $days . "Tage" . " " . $hours . "Std" . " " . $minutes . "Min";

// and last we want to print auction ended when the auction has ended

if ($seconds < 0) {

$TimeLeft = "Auktion beendet";


else {

$TimeLeft = $Time_Left;


// Make sure we have content to print out and print it

if ($Start && $End && $Title && ($count < $limit)) {


$colour = ( $colour == "$table_row1_color" ) ? "$table_row2_color" : "$table_row1_color";

$line = "<TR><TD bgcolor=\"$colour\" align=\"center\">$Item</TD><TD bgcolor=\"$colour\">$Start</TD><TD bgcolor=\"$colour\">$End</TD><TD bgcolor=\"$colour\"><font color=\"#FF0000\">$TimeLeft</font></TD><TD bgcolor=\"$colour\">$Price</TD><TD bgcolor=\"$colour\">$Title</TD><TD bgcolor=\"$colour\">$HighBidder</TD></TR>\n";

preg_match('/item=([^"&]*)/', $line, $match);


if ($newwindow == 1) {

$tnURL = "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=$itemnum\"><img src=\"http://thumbs.ebay.com/pict/$itemnum.jpg\" border=\"0\"></a>";

$Item = str_replace("a href=", "a target=\"_blank\" href=", $Item);

$HighBidder = str_replace("a href=", "a target=\"_blank\" href=", $HighBidder);


else {

$tnURL = "<a href=\"http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=$itemnum\"><img src=\"http://thumbs.ebay.com/pict/$itemnum.jpg\" border=\"0\"></a>";


// If Thumbnails are enabled show them

if ($thumbs == 1) {

echo "

<TR><TD bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" align=\"center\">$tnURL<br><font size=\"1\">$Item</font></TD><TD bgcolor=\"$colour\"><font size=\"2\"><strong>$Title</strong></font></TD><TD bgcolor=\"$colour\"><font color=\"#FF0000\" size=\"2\">$TimeLeft</font></TD><TD bgcolor=\"$colour\"><font size=\"2\">$Price</font></TD><TD bgcolor=\"$colour\"><font size=\"1\">$End</font></TD></TR>\n";


// Otherwise just show the Bid Now link

else {

echo "<TR><TD bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" align=\"center\"><font size=\"1\">$Item</font></TD><TD bgcolor=\"$colour\"><font size=\"2\"><strong>$Title</strong></font></TD><TD bgcolor=\"$colour\"><font color=\"#FF0000\" size=\"2\">$TimeLeft</font></TD><TD bgcolor=\"$colour\"><font size=\"2\">$Price</font></TD><TD bgcolor=\"$colour\"><font size=\"1\">$End</font></TD></TR>\n";




// Wrap up the border table

echo "</TABLE></td></tr> </table>";




Danke schon mal,hoffe mir kann geholfen werden.


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