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ERROR: Fehler in der SQL-Syntax


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wer kann mir sagen, was ich mach muss um die Fehler zu beseitigen?

Danke im voraus


count(*) sql1

12******* DELETE FROM xt_products_permission WHERE pid = all

6******* UPDATE xt_media SET WHERE id = 'undefined'

2******* DELETE FROM xt_content_permission WHERE pid = Zahungsart ID and pgroup = 'shop_1' and type = 'payment'

2******* DELETE FROM xt_content_permission WHERE pid = Zahungsart ID and pgroup = 'group_permission_1' and type = 'payment'

2******* DELETE FROM xt_content_permission WHERE pid = Zahungsart ID and pgroup = 'group_permission_2' and type = 'payment'

2******* DELETE FROM xt_content_permission WHERE pid = Zahungsart ID and pgroup = 'group_permission_3' and type = 'payment'

2******* DELETE FROM xt_content_permission WHERE pid = Zahungsart ID and pgroup = 'shipping_permission_DHL Deutschland' and type = 'payment'

2******* UPDATE xt_language_content SET LANGUAGE_CONTENT_ID=6262, TRANSLATED=1, LANGUAGE_CODE='de', LANGUAGE_KEY='TEXT_PAYMENT_COST_INFO', LANGUAGE_VALUE='Kostenhinweis anzeigen', CLASS='admin' WHERE language_content_id = '6262'

1******* DELETE FROM xt_content_permission WHERE pid = Zahungsart ID and pgroup = 'shipping_permission_DHL Europa Zone 1' and type = 'payment'

1******* select COUNT(*) from xt_plg_products_to_attributes where products_id=undefined LIMIT 1

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