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cod fee in checkout_confirmation.php disappeared


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Hello there,

i am new here and i already need help :cool:

I can't figure it out, but it would be very nice if all of you try to help me to solve the problem.

Its kind of strange behaviour (to me), following: i am from germany and admin of a danish shop, so i had to create a danish language pack, etc. - now, if i access xt:commerce with my Opera-browser at home and do a testorder, everything works fine, the fee and taxes are listed in the checkout_confirmation.php (in the order_total block). BUT if I do the same with Firefox or IE, it doesn't works, the cod (cash on delivery) fee simply doesn't comes up. My browser at work acts the same (this time also the Opera browser, with same configuration like the one at home) - theres no cod listed, so the fee isn't added to the total block. Only the sub total, moms and total are shown.

But I have seen it working in the browser i have at home, so whats that?

I thought it might be through the zone or country settings, but they are filled out correctly in xtc, i have set the payment modules to "cod allowed", than in order total modules "cod" is also allowed and i choosed "flat" as a shipping module (that should go through, cause i looked in the /order_total/ot_cod_fee.php and it is allowed to use cod, as far as i learned the shipping module has to allow cod to use it in the order_total), all countrys should show the same price/delivery costs (flat). I also tried to use cod with other shipping modules, installed, reinstalled them a few times, but it doesn't help.

Than i thought it could be in the session, that my browser is not recognized correctly (or better to say: only one of my browsers is recognized correctly), so i changed the language few times, tried a proxy to get other IP adresses - but nothing changed the problem.

I am confused.

Any suggestions?

I am pretty sure that it has to be in





...also this developer comment made me "suspicious" ;)

// check if zone is alowed to see module

Or can i turn of the complete country recognition process, since i don't need it anyway. Its better to live without it, than to confuse all customers in the order_total block.

help - THX!!


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jetzt bin ich schon so durcheinander, dass ich ein englisches Posting in ein deutsches Forum setze.... man, man :(


//edit: Fehler hat sich ebenfalls erledigt, die checkout_shipping.php hatte einen Fehler drin, bzw. wurde dadurch garnicht erst aufgerufen und somit die checkout_confirmation.php nicht korrekt angezeigt... oder so ähnlich ;)

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