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Expensive SQL -Veyton


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Ich kann im Admin Bereich anscheinend meine Perfomance testen und diese durch Veränderungen auch beeinflussen.

Hat jemand eine Ahnung wie man das macht?

Hier die Infos:

Expensive SQL

Tuning the following SQL could reduce the server load substantially

SELECT * FROM xt_content_block

SELECT config_key, config_value FROM xt_config_payment WHERE shop_id=1

SELECT * FROM xt_stores

SELECT * FROM xt_system_status st, xt_system_status_description std where st.status_id=std.status_id and std.language_code = 'de'

SELECT cd.customers_status_name,cs.customers_status_id FROM xt_customers_status cs, xt_customers_status_description cd where cs.customers_status_id = cd.customers_status_id and cd.language_code = 'de'

SELECT * FROM xt_content_elements ce, xt_content c left JOIN xt_content_permission shop ON (shop.pid = c.content_id and shop.pgroup = 'shop_1' and shop.type = 'content') left JOIN xt_content_permission group_permission ON (group_permission.pid = c.content_id and group_permission.pgroup = 'group_permission_1' and group_permission.type = 'content') LEFT JOIN xt_seo_url su ON (su.link_id = c.content_id and su.link_type='3' and su.language_code = 'de') WHERE c.content_id = ce.content_id and c.content_parent = '1' and shop.permission IS NULL and group_permission.permission IS NULL AND ce.language_code='de'

SELECT language_key, language_value FROM xt_language_content WHERE language_code='de' and (class = 'admin' or class='both')

SELECT code FROM xt_languages l left JOIN xt_content_permission shop ON (shop.pid = l.languages_id and shop.pgroup = 'shop_1' and shop.type = 'language') where code = 'de' and shop.permission IS NULL

SELECT pc.code FROM xt_plugin_code pc INNER JOIN xt_plugin_products pp ON pc.plugin_id = pp.plugin_id WHERE pc.hook = 'page_registry.php:bottom' AND pc.code_status = 1 and pp.plugin_status = 1 order by pc.sortorder

SHOW COLUMNS FROM `xt_acl_nav`

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