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mysql error: [1054: Unknown column .. per Email

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Hallo ich erhalte seit einiger Zeit immer diese Fehlermeldung und das mehrere male am Tag. Bei einem Kollegen tritt der selbe fehler auch auf.

Hat jemand ne Idee? Ich weis nicht weiter. Vielen Dank

mysql error: [1054: Unknown column 'p.products_startpage_sort' in 'order clause'] in EXECUTE("SELECT p.products_id FROM  xt_products p  RIGHT JOIN xt_startpage_products spp ON (p.products_id = spp.products_id and spp.shop_id=1) LEFT JOIN xt_products_description pd ON p.products_id = pd.products_id  left JOIN xt_products_permission group_permission ON (group_permission.pid = p.products_id and group_permission.pgroup = 'group_permission_1' )   left JOIN xt_products_permission shop ON (shop.pid = p.products_id and shop.pgroup = 'shop_1' )  LEFT JOIN xt_seo_url su ON (p.products_id = su.link_id and su.link_type='1'  and su.store_id='1') WHERE   p.products_id != ''  and pd.language_code = 'de'  and pd.products_store_id='1'  and group_permission.permission IS NULL  and shop.permission IS NULL  and p.products_status = '1' and su.language_code = 'de'  and su.store_id='1' and (p.products_master_model='' or p.products_master_model IS NULL)  ORDER BY  p.products_startpage_sort LIMIT 0,25")


 Current Shop Id = 1

 All Stores:

 id: 1 - Name: ******************.de

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