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Spam E-Mail: Spamverdacht bei einer Bestellung


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Wenn ich in meinem Shop etwas bestelle, wird die Bestellbestätigung die automatisch verschickt wird bei meinem GMX Account als Spam E-Mail gewertet.

Wieso ist das so und was ich kann ich tun damit die E-Mail nicht als Spam gewertet wird?

So sieht bei mir momentan der E-Mail Betreff aus:

*** GMX Spamverdacht *** Your order Nr:3 / Sonntag, 22. Juni 2008

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  • 8 months later...

GMX.de mag die funktion AddBCC nicht.

Anstatt 1ne E-Mail an 2 zu verschicken , schicke ich jetzt 2 E-Mail's an 2 E-Mail Adressen.

Und bei der Forward E-Mail hab ich als Absender meine feste E-Mail Adresse ([email protected]), und nicht die Absender E-Mail Adresse aus dem Formular.

Hier die korekte Verzion ;)

File: xtcommerce/inc/xtc_php_mail.inc.php funktion: xtc_php_mailer

function xtc_php_mail($from_email_address, $from_email_name, $to_email_address, $to_name, $forwarding_to, $reply_address, $reply_address_name, $path_to_attachement, $path_to_more_attachements, $email_subject, $message_body_html, $message_body_plain) {

	global $mail_error;

	$mail = new PHPMailer();

	$mail->PluginDir = DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'includes/classes/';

	if (isset ($_SESSION['language_charset'])) {

		$mail->CharSet = $_SESSION['language_charset'];

	} else {

		$lang_query = "SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_LANGUAGES." WHERE code = '".DEFAULT_LANGUAGE."'";

		$lang_query = xtc_db_query($lang_query);

		$lang_data = xtc_db_fetch_array($lang_query);

		$mail->CharSet = $lang_data['language_charset'];


	if ($_SESSION['language'] == 'german') {

		$mail->SetLanguage("de", DIR_WS_CLASSES);

	} else {

		$mail->SetLanguage("en", DIR_WS_CLASSES);


	if (EMAIL_TRANSPORT == 'smtp') {


		$mail->SMTPKeepAlive = true; // set mailer to use SMTP

		$mail->SMTPAuth = SMTP_AUTH; // turn on SMTP authentication true/false

		$mail->Username = SMTP_USERNAME; // SMTP username

		$mail->Password = SMTP_PASSWORD; // SMTP password

		$mail->Host = SMTP_MAIN_SERVER.';'.SMTP_Backup_Server; // specify main and backup server "smtp1.example.com;smtp2.example.com"


	if (EMAIL_TRANSPORT == 'sendmail') { // set mailer to use SMTP


		$mail->Sendmail = SENDMAIL_PATH;


	if (EMAIL_TRANSPORT == 'mail') {



	if (EMAIL_USE_HTML == 'true') // set email format to HTML



		$mail->Body = $message_body_html;

		// remove html tags

		$message_body_plain = str_replace('<br />', " \n", $message_body_plain);

		$message_body_plain = strip_tags($message_body_plain);

		$mail->AltBody = $message_body_plain;

	} else {


		//remove html tags

		$message_body_plain = str_replace('<br />', " \n", $message_body_plain);

		$message_body_plain = strip_tags($message_body_plain);

		$mail->Body = $message_body_plain;


	$mail->From = $from_email_address;

	$mail->Sender = $from_email_address;

	$mail->FromName = $from_email_name;

	$mail->AddAddress($to_email_address, $to_name);

	if ($forwarding_to != '')


	$mail->AddReplyTo($reply_address, $reply_address_name);

	$mail->WordWrap = 50; // set word wrap to 50 characters

	//$mail->AddAttachment($path_to_attachement);                     // add attachments

	//$mail->AddAttachment($path_to_more_attachements);               // optional name                                          

	$mail->Subject = $email_subject;	

	if (!$mail->Send()) {

		echo "Message was not sent <p>";

		echo "Mailer Error: ".$mail->ErrorInfo;



	// 2te mail


	$mailforward = new PHPMailer();

	$mailforward->PluginDir = DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'includes/classes/';

	if (isset ($_SESSION['language_charset'])) {

		$mailforward->CharSet = $_SESSION['language_charset'];

	} else {

		$lang_query = "SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_LANGUAGES." WHERE code = '".DEFAULT_LANGUAGE."'";

		$lang_query = xtc_db_query($lang_query);

		$lang_data = xtc_db_fetch_array($lang_query);

		$mailforward->CharSet = $lang_data['language_charset'];


	if ($_SESSION['language'] == 'german') {

		$mailforward->SetLanguage("de", DIR_WS_CLASSES);

	} else {

		$mailforward->SetLanguage("en", DIR_WS_CLASSES);


	if (EMAIL_TRANSPORT == 'smtp') {


		$mailforward->SMTPKeepAlive = true; // set mailer to use SMTP

		$mailforward->SMTPAuth = SMTP_AUTH; // turn on SMTP authentication true/false

		$mailforward->Username = SMTP_USERNAME; // SMTP username

		$mailforward->Password = SMTP_PASSWORD; // SMTP password

		$mailforward->Host = SMTP_MAIN_SERVER.';'.SMTP_Backup_Server; // specify main and backup server "smtp1.example.com;smtp2.example.com"


	if (EMAIL_TRANSPORT == 'sendmail') { // set mailer to use SMTP


		$mailforward->Sendmail = SENDMAIL_PATH;


	if (EMAIL_TRANSPORT == 'mail') {



	if (EMAIL_USE_HTML == 'true') // set email format to HTML



		$mailforward->Body = $message_body_html;

		// remove html tags

		$message_body_plain = str_replace('<br />', " \n", $message_body_plain);

		$message_body_plain = strip_tags($message_body_plain);

		$mailforward->AltBody = $message_body_plain;

	} else {


		//remove html tags

		$message_body_plain = str_replace('<br />', " \n", $message_body_plain);

		$message_body_plain = strip_tags($message_body_plain);

		$mailforward->Body = $message_body_plain;


	$mailforward->From = '[email protected]';

	$mailforward->Sender = $from_email_address;

	$mailforward->FromName = $from_email_name;


	if ($forwarding_to != '')


	$mailforward->AddReplyTo($reply_address, $reply_address_name);

	$mailforward->WordWrap = 50; // set word wrap to 50 characters

	//$mailforward->AddAttachment($path_to_attachement);                     // add attachments

	//$mailforward->AddAttachment($path_to_more_attachements);               // optional name                                          

	$mailforward->Subject = $email_subject;	

	if (!$mailforward->Send()) {

		echo "Message was not sent <p>";

		echo "Mailer Error: ".$mailforward->ErrorInfo;





Dank dem AddReplyTo funktioniert es mit dem antworten der E-Mail immer noch :)

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GANZ wichtig, die .jpg datei muss im Hauptverzeichnis von xtcommerce liegen.

Sonst wird das Bild nicht als Anhang mitgesendet und kann nicht angezeigt werde.

siehe $mail->AddEmbeddedImage('logo.jpg', "my-attach", "logo.jpg"); ...


function xtc_php_mail($from_email_address, $from_email_name, $to_email_address, $to_name, $forwarding_to, $reply_address, $reply_address_name, $path_to_attachement, $path_to_more_attachements, $email_subject, $message_body_html, $message_body_plain) {

	global $mail_error;

	$mail = new PHPMailer();

	$mail->PluginDir = DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'includes/classes/';

	//adding the logo	//HTTP_SERVER.DIR_WS_CATALOG.'templates/'.CURRENT_TEMPLATE.'/img/logo.jpg'

	$mail->AddEmbeddedImage('logo.jpg', "my-attach", "logo.jpg");

	$message_body_html ='<img alt="PHPMailer" src="cid:my-attach">'.$message_body_html;

	if (isset ($_SESSION['language_charset'])) {

		$mail->CharSet = $_SESSION['language_charset'];

	} else {

		$lang_query = "SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_LANGUAGES." WHERE code = '".DEFAULT_LANGUAGE."'";

		$lang_query = xtc_db_query($lang_query);

		$lang_data = xtc_db_fetch_array($lang_query);

		$mail->CharSet = $lang_data['language_charset'];


	if ($_SESSION['language'] == 'german') {

		$mail->SetLanguage("de", DIR_WS_CLASSES);

	} else {

		$mail->SetLanguage("en", DIR_WS_CLASSES);


	if (EMAIL_TRANSPORT == 'smtp') {


		$mail->SMTPKeepAlive = true; // set mailer to use SMTP

		$mail->SMTPAuth = SMTP_AUTH; // turn on SMTP authentication true/false

		$mail->Username = SMTP_USERNAME; // SMTP username

		$mail->Password = SMTP_PASSWORD; // SMTP password

		$mail->Host = SMTP_MAIN_SERVER.';'.SMTP_Backup_Server; // specify main and backup server "smtp1.example.com;smtp2.example.com"


	if (EMAIL_TRANSPORT == 'sendmail') { // set mailer to use SMTP


		$mail->Sendmail = SENDMAIL_PATH;


	if (EMAIL_TRANSPORT == 'mail') {



	if (EMAIL_USE_HTML == 'true') // set email format to HTML



		$mail->Body = $message_body_html;

		// remove html tags

		$message_body_plain = str_replace('<br />', " \n", $message_body_plain);

		$message_body_plain = strip_tags($message_body_plain);

		$mail->AltBody = $message_body_plain;

	} else {


		//remove html tags

		$message_body_plain = str_replace('<br />', " \n", $message_body_plain);

		$message_body_plain = strip_tags($message_body_plain);

		$mail->Body = $message_body_plain;


	$mail->From = $from_email_address;

	$mail->Sender = $from_email_address;

	$mail->FromName = $from_email_name;

	$mail->AddAddress($to_email_address, $to_name);

	if ($forwarding_to != '')


	$mail->AddReplyTo($reply_address, $reply_address_name);

	$mail->WordWrap = 50; // set word wrap to 50 characters

	//$mail->AddAttachment($path_to_attachement);                     // add attachments

	//$mail->AddAttachment($path_to_more_attachements);               // optional name                                          

	$mail->Subject = $email_subject;	

	if (!$mail->Send()) {

		echo "Message was not sent <p>";

		echo "Mailer Error: ".$mail->ErrorInfo;



	// 2te mail


	$mailforward = new PHPMailer();

	$mailforward->PluginDir = DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'includes/classes/';

	//adding the logo

	$mailforward->AddEmbeddedImage('logo.jpg', "my-attach", "logo.jpg");

	if (isset ($_SESSION['language_charset'])) {

		$mailforward->CharSet = $_SESSION['language_charset'];

	} else {

		$lang_query = "SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_LANGUAGES." WHERE code = '".DEFAULT_LANGUAGE."'";

		$lang_query = xtc_db_query($lang_query);

		$lang_data = xtc_db_fetch_array($lang_query);

		$mailforward->CharSet = $lang_data['language_charset'];


	if ($_SESSION['language'] == 'german') {

		$mailforward->SetLanguage("de", DIR_WS_CLASSES);

	} else {

		$mailforward->SetLanguage("en", DIR_WS_CLASSES);


	if (EMAIL_TRANSPORT == 'smtp') {


		$mailforward->SMTPKeepAlive = true; // set mailer to use SMTP

		$mailforward->SMTPAuth = SMTP_AUTH; // turn on SMTP authentication true/false

		$mailforward->Username = SMTP_USERNAME; // SMTP username

		$mailforward->Password = SMTP_PASSWORD; // SMTP password

		$mailforward->Host = SMTP_MAIN_SERVER.';'.SMTP_Backup_Server; // specify main and backup server "smtp1.example.com;smtp2.example.com"


	if (EMAIL_TRANSPORT == 'sendmail') { // set mailer to use SMTP


		$mailforward->Sendmail = SENDMAIL_PATH;


	if (EMAIL_TRANSPORT == 'mail') {



	if (EMAIL_USE_HTML == 'true') // set email format to HTML



		$mailforward->Body = $message_body_html;

		// remove html tags

		$message_body_plain = str_replace('<br />', " \n", $message_body_plain);

		$message_body_plain = strip_tags($message_body_plain);

		$mailforward->AltBody = $message_body_plain;

	} else {


		//remove html tags

		$message_body_plain = str_replace('<br />', " \n", $message_body_plain);

		$message_body_plain = strip_tags($message_body_plain);

		$mailforward->Body = $message_body_plain;


	$mailforward->From = '[email protected]';

	$mailforward->Sender = $from_email_address;

	$mailforward->FromName = $from_email_name;


	if ($forwarding_to != '')


	$mailforward->AddReplyTo($reply_address, $reply_address_name);

	$mailforward->WordWrap = 50; // set word wrap to 50 characters

	//$mailforward->AddAttachment($path_to_attachement);                     // add attachments

	//$mailforward->AddAttachment($path_to_more_attachements);               // optional name                                          

	$mailforward->Subject = $email_subject;	

	if (!$mailforward->Send()) {

		echo "Message was not sent <p>";

		echo "Mailer Error: ".$mailforward->ErrorInfo;






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