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hab in mein xt shop jetzt ein newscenter auf die startseite insatliert.

Nun w?rde ich diesen link der f?r die administartion ist gerne im admin bereich haben!

Wie m?sste der link aussehen?

habe im admin men? jetzt eine kategorie?berschrift Extras hin bekommen aber wenn ich da jetzt eine standard html link setzt bekomme ich ein error im cloum left!

Danke im voraus

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/* --------------------------------------------------------------

  $Id: column_left.php,v 1.13 2004/04/14 19:19:35 fanta2k Exp $

  XT-Commerce - community made shopping


  Copyright (c) 2003 XT-Commerce


  based on: 

  (c) 2000-2001 The Exchange Project (earlier name of osCommerce)

  (c) 2002-2003 osCommerce(column_left.php,v 1.15 2002/01/11); [url]www.oscommerce.com[/url] 

  (c) 2003 nextcommerce (column_left.php,v 1.25 2003/08/19); [url]www.nextcommerce.org[/url]

  Released under the GNU General Public License 


 $admin_access_query = xtc_db_query("select * from " . TABLE_ADMIN_ACCESS . " where customers_id = '" . $_SESSION['customer_id'] . "'");

 $admin_access = xtc_db_fetch_array($admin_access_query); 

 echo ('<div class="menuBoxHeading"><b>'.BOX_HEADING_CONFIGURATION.'</b></div>');

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['configuration'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_CONFIGURATION, 'gID=1', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_CONFIGURATION_1 . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['configuration'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_CONFIGURATION, 'gID=2', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_CONFIGURATION_2 . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['configuration'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_CONFIGURATION, 'gID=3', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_CONFIGURATION_3 . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['configuration'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_CONFIGURATION, 'gID=4', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_CONFIGURATION_4 . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['configuration'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_CONFIGURATION, 'gID=5', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_CONFIGURATION_5 . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['configuration'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_CONFIGURATION, 'gID=7', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_CONFIGURATION_7 . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['configuration'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_CONFIGURATION, 'gID=8', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_CONFIGURATION_8 . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['configuration'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_CONFIGURATION, 'gID=9', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_CONFIGURATION_9 . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['configuration'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_CONFIGURATION, 'gID=10', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_CONFIGURATION_10 . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['configuration'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_CONFIGURATION, 'gID=11', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_CONFIGURATION_11 . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['configuration'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_CONFIGURATION, 'gID=12', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_CONFIGURATION_12 . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['configuration'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_CONFIGURATION, 'gID=14', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_CONFIGURATION_14 . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['configuration'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_CONFIGURATION, 'gID=15', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_CONFIGURATION_15 . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['configuration'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_CONFIGURATION, 'gID=16', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_CONFIGURATION_16 . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['configuration'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_CONFIGURATION, 'gID=17', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_CONFIGURATION_17 . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['orders_status'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_ORDERS_STATUS, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_ORDERS_STATUS . '</a><br>';


 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['shipping_status'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_SHIPPING_STATUS, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_SHIPPING_STATUS . '</a><br>';


 echo ('<div class="menuBoxHeading"><b>'.BOX_HEADING_MODULES.'</b></div>');

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['modules'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_MODULES, 'set=payment', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_PAYMENT . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['modules'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_MODULES, 'set=shipping', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_SHIPPING . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['modules'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_MODULES, 'set=ordertotal', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_ORDER_TOTAL . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['module_export'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_MODULE_EXPORT) . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_MODULE_EXPORT . '</a><br>';

 echo ('<div class="menuBoxHeading"><b>'.BOX_HEADING_ZONE.'</b></div>');

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['languages'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_LANGUAGES, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_LANGUAGES . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['countries'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_COUNTRIES, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_COUNTRIES . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['currencies'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_CURRENCIES, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_CURRENCIES. '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['zones'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_ZONES, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_ZONES . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['geo_zones'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_GEO_ZONES, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_GEO_ZONES . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['tax_classes'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_TAX_CLASSES, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_TAX_CLASSES . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['tax_rates'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_TAX_RATES, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_TAX_RATES . '</a><br>';

 echo ('<div class="menuBoxHeading"><b>'.BOX_HEADING_CUSTOMERS.'</b></div>');

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['customers'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_CUSTOMERS, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_CUSTOMERS . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['customers_status'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_CUSTOMERS_STATUS, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_CUSTOMERS_STATUS . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['orders'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_ORDERS, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_ORDERS . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['xsell_products'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_XSELL_PRODUCTS . '?first_entrance=1', '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_XSELL_PRODUCTS . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['easypopulate'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_EASYPOPULATE, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_EASYPOPULATE . '</a><br>';

 echo ('<div class="menuBoxHeading"><b>'.BOX_HEADING_PRODUCTS.'</b></div>');

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['categories'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_CATEGORIES, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_CATEGORIES . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['new_attributes'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_NEW_ATTRIBUTES, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -'.BOX_ATTRIBUTES_MANAGER.'</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['products_attributes'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['manufacturers'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_MANUFACTURERS, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_MANUFACTURERS . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['reviews'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_REVIEWS, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_REVIEWS . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['specials'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_SPECIALS, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_SPECIALS . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['products_expected'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCTS_EXPECTED, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_PRODUCTS_EXPECTED . '</a><br>';

 echo ('<div class="menuBoxHeading"><b>'.BOX_HEADING_STATISTICS.'</b></div>');

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['stats_products_viewed'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_STATS_PRODUCTS_VIEWED, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_PRODUCTS_VIEWED . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['stats_products_purchased'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_STATS_PRODUCTS_PURCHASED, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_PRODUCTS_PURCHASED . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['stats_customers'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_STATS_CUSTOMERS, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_STATS_CUSTOMERS . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['stats_sales_report'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_SALES_REPORT, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_SALES_REPORT . '</a><br>';

 echo ('<div class="menuBoxHeading"><b>'.BOX_HEADING_TOOLS.'</b></div>');

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['module_newsletter'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_MODULE_NEWSLETTER) . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_MODULE_NEWSLETTER . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['content_manager'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_CONTENT_MANAGER) . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_CONTENT . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['blacklist'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_BLACKLIST, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink">' . BOX_TOOLS_BLACKLIST . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['backup'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_BACKUP) . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_BACKUP . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['banner_manager'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_BANNER_MANAGER) . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_BANNER_MANAGER . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['server_info'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_SERVER_INFO) . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_SERVER_INFO . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['whos_online'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_WHOS_ONLINE) . '" class="menuBoxContentLink"> -' . BOX_WHOS_ONLINE . '</a><br>';

 echo ('<div class="menuBoxHeading"><b>'.Extras.'</b></div>'); 

[COLOR=red][B]---#hier den link auf eine ganz andere datei die nicht im admin men? liegt![/B][/COLOR]


 echo ('<div class="menuBoxHeading"><b>'.BOX_HEADING_GV_ADMIN.'</b></div>');

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['coupon_admin'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_COUPON_ADMIN, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink">' . BOX_COUPON_ADMIN . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['gv_queue'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_GV_QUEUE, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink">' . BOX_GV_ADMIN_QUEUE . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['gv_mail'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_GV_MAIL, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink">' . BOX_GV_ADMIN_MAIL . '</a><br>';

 if (($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id'] == '0') && ($admin_access['gv_sent'] == '1')) echo '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_GV_SENT, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink">' . BOX_GV_ADMIN_SENT . '</a><br>';



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