Disaster Posted September 20, 2004 Report Share Posted September 20, 2004 Hallo, kennt jemd dieses Script? Habe das mal in einem Quelltext gefunden, f?r mich sieht das wie ein Google hacK aus ?? google_ad_url = ''; google_random = (new Date()).getTime(); google_org_error_handler = window.onerror; function quoted(str) { return (str != null) ? '"' + str + '"' : '""'; } function google_encodeURIComponent(str) { if (typeof(encodeURIComponent) == 'function') { return encodeURIComponent(str); } else { return escape(str); } } function google_write_tracker(tracker_event) { var img_url = window.google_ad_url.replace(/pagead/ads/, 'pagead/imp.gif'); var img_src = img_url + '&event=' + tracker_event; var img_tag = '<i' + 'mg height="1" width="1" border="0" ' + 'src=' + quoted(img_src) + ' />'; document.write(img_tag); } function google_append_url(param, value) { if (value) { window.google_ad_url += '&' + param + '=' + value; } } function google_append_url_esc(param, value) { if (value) { google_append_url(param, google_encodeURIComponent(value)); } } function google_append_color(param, value) { if (value && typeof(value) == 'object') { value = value[window.google_random % value.length]; } google_append_url('color_' + param, value); } function google_show_ad() { var w = window; w.onerror = w.google_org_error_handler; if (w.google_num_ad_slots) { w.google_num_ad_slots = w.google_num_ad_slots + 1; } else { w.google_num_ad_slots = 1; } if (w.google_num_ad_slots > 3) { return; } w.google_ad_url = 'http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/ads?'; w.google_ad_client = w.google_ad_client.toLowerCase(); if (w.google_ad_client.substring(0,3) != 'ca-') { w.google_ad_client = 'ca-' + w.google_ad_client; } w.google_ad_url += 'client=' + escape(w.google_ad_client) + '&random=' + w.google_random; google_append_url('hl', w.google_language); if (w.google_country) { google_append_url('gl', w.google_country); } else { google_append_url('gl', w.google_gl); } google_append_url('gr', w.google_region); google_append_url_esc('gcs', w.google_city); google_append_url_esc('hints', w.google_hints); google_append_url('adsafe', w.google_safe); google_append_url('oe', w.google_encoding); google_append_url('lmt', w.google_last_modified_time); google_append_url_esc('alternate_ad_url', w.google_alternate_ad_url); google_append_url('alt_color', w.google_alternate_color); if (w.google_skip) { google_append_url("skip", w.google_skip); } else if (w.google_prev_ad_formats) { google_append_url_esc('prev_fmts', w.google_prev_ad_formats.toLowerCase()); } if (w.google_ad_format) { google_append_url_esc('format', w.google_ad_format.toLowerCase()); if (w.google_prev_ad_formats) { w.google_prev_ad_formats = w.google_prev_ad_formats + ',' + w.google_ad_format; } else { w.google_prev_ad_formats = w.google_ad_format; } } google_append_url('num_ads', w.google_max_num_ads); google_append_url('output', w.google_ad_output); google_append_url('adtest', w.google_adtest); if (w.google_ad_channel) { google_append_url_esc('channel', w.google_ad_channel.toLowerCase()); } google_append_url_esc('url', w.google_page_url); google_append_color('bg', w.google_color_bg); google_append_color('text', w.google_color_text); google_append_color('link', w.google_color_link); google_append_color('url', w.google_color_url); google_append_color('border', w.google_color_border); google_append_color('line', w.google_color_line); google_append_url('kw_type', w.google_kw_type); google_append_url_esc('kw', w.google_kw); google_append_url_esc('contents', w.google_contents); google_append_url('num_radlinks', w.google_num_radlinks); google_append_url('max_radlink_len', w.google_max_radlink_len); google_append_url('rl_filtering', w.google_rl_filtering); google_append_url('ad_type', w.google_ad_type); google_append_url('image_size', w.google_image_size); google_append_url('feedback_link', w.google_feedback); w.google_ad_url = w.google_ad_url.substring(0, 1000); w.google_ad_url = w.google_ad_url.replace(/%w?$/, ''); if (google_ad_output == 'js' && w.google_ad_request_done) { document.write('<scr' + 'ipt language="JavaScript1.1"' + ' src=' + quoted(google_ad_url) + '></scr' + 'ipt>'); } else if (google_ad_output == 'html') { if (w.name == 'google_ads_frame') { google_write_tracker('reboundredirect'); } else { document.write('<ifr' + 'ame' + ' name="google_ads_frame"' + ' width=' + quoted(w.google_ad_width) + ' height=' + quoted(w.google_ad_height) + ' frameborder=' + quoted(w.google_ad_frameborder) + ' src=' + quoted(w.google_ad_url) + ' marginwidth="0"' + ' marginheight="0"' + ' vspace="0"' + ' hspace="0"' + ' allowtransparency="true"' + ' scrolling="no">'); google_write_tracker('noiframe'); document.write('</ifr' + 'ame>'); } } w.google_ad_frameborder = null; w.google_ad_format = null; w.google_page_url = null; w.google_language = null; w.google_gl = null; w.google_country = null; w.google_region = null; w.google_city = null; w.google_hints = null; w.google_safe = null; w.google_encoding = null; w.google_ad_output = null; w.google_max_num_ads = null; w.google_ad_channel = null; w.google_contents = null; w.google_alternate_ad_url = null; w.google_alternate_color = null; w.google_color_bg = null; w.google_color_text = null; w.google_color_link = null; w.google_color_url = null; w.google_color_border = null; w.google_color_line = null; w.google_adtest = null; w.google_kw_type = null; w.google_kw = null; w.google_num_radlinks = null; w.google_max_radlink_len = null; w.google_rl_filtering = null; w.google_ad_type = null; w.google_image_size = null; w.google_feedback = null; w.google_skip = null; } function google_error_handler(message, url, line) { google_show_ad(); return true; } window.onerror = google_error_handler; if (window.google_ad_frameborder == null) { google_ad_frameborder = 0; } if (window.google_ad_output == null) { google_ad_output = 'html'; } if (window.google_ad_format == null && window.google_ad_output == 'html') { google_ad_format = google_ad_width + 'x' + google_ad_height; } if (window.google_page_url == null) { google_page_url = document.referrer; if (window.top.location == document.location) { google_page_url = document.location; google_last_modified_time = Date.parse(document.lastModified) / 1000; } } google_show_ad(); Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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