Triple_T_87 Posted March 14, 2011 Report Share Posted March 14, 2011 Hi Leute, habe im I-net und hier im Forum gesucht aber leider nichts gefunden. Ich habe einen fertigen Shop von einer Firma bekommen, er hat bis gestern auch funktioniert. Ich habe gestern den Ordner auf dem Server verschoben. Danach kam nur noch Fatal Error. Also habe ich den Shop wieder in den ursprünglichen Ordner verschoben. Der Fehler kommt aber leider immernoch. Das steht da: Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/strato/http/power/weba/53/78/52400378/htdocs/onlineshop/includes/filenames.php' (include_path='.:/opt/RZphp5/includes') in /mnt/web2/60/78/52400378/htdocs/az-topuz/onlineshop/includes/application_top.php on line 60 Hier die application_top.php: <?php /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Id: application_top.php 1323 2005-10-27 17:58:08Z mz $ XT-Commerce - community made shopping xt:Commerce Shopsoftware VEYTON 4.0 Copyright © 2003 XT-Commerce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- based on: © 2000-2001 The Exchange Project (earlier name of osCommerce) © 2002-2003 osCommerce(application_top.php,v 1.273 2003/05/19); osCommerce, Open Source Online Shop E-Commerce Solutions © 2003 nextcommerce (application_top.php,v 1.54 2003/08/25); Released under the GNU General Public License ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Third Party contribution: Add A Quickie v1.0 Autor Harald Ponce de Leon Credit Class/Gift Vouchers/Discount Coupons (Version 5.10) osCommerce: Credit Class & Gift Voucher Copyright © Strider | [email protected] Copyright (c Nick Stanko of, [email protected] Copyright © Andre [email protected] Copyright © 2001,2002 Ian C Wilson The domain is available for Released under the GNU General Public License ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // start the timer for the page parse time log define('PAGE_PARSE_START_TIME', microtime()); // set the level of error reporting error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE); // error_reporting(E_ALL); error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_WARNING); ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_WARNING); // Set the local configuration parameters - mainly for developers - if exists else the mainconfigure if (file_exists('includes/local/configure.php')) { include ('includes/local/configure.php'); } else { include ('includes/configure.php'); } $php4_3_10 = (0 == version_compare(phpversion(), "4.3.10")); define('PHP4_3_10', $php4_3_10); // define the project version define('PROJECT_VERSION', '3D*******_Commerce'); // set the type of request (secure or not) $request_type = (getenv('HTTPS') == '1' || getenv('HTTPS') == 'on') ? 'SSL' : 'NONSSL'; // set php_self in the local scope $PHP_SELF = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; // include the list of project filenames require (DIR_WS_INCLUDES.'filenames.php'); // include the list of project database tables require (DIR_WS_INCLUDES.'database_tables.php'); // SQL caching dir define('SQL_CACHEDIR', DIR_FS_CATALOG.'cache/'); // Below are some defines which affect the way the discount coupon/gift voucher system work // Be careful when editing them. // // Set the length of the redeem code, the longer the more secure define('SECURITY_CODE_LENGTH', '10'); // // The settings below determine whether a new customer receives an incentive when they first signup // // Set the amount of a Gift Voucher that the new signup will receive, set to 0 for none // define('NEW_SIGNUP_GIFT_VOUCHER_AMOUNT', '10'); // placed in the admin configuration mystore // // Set the coupon ID that will be sent by email to a new signup, if no id is set then no email // define('NEW_SIGNUP_DISCOUNT_COUPON', '3'); // placed in the admin configuration mystore // Store DB-Querys in a Log File define('STORE_DB_TRANSACTIONS', 'false'); // graduated prices model or products assigned ? define('GRADUATED_ASSIGN', 'true'); // include used functions // Database require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); // html basics require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); // html functions require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once(DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once(DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.'xtc_js_lang.php'); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); xtc_db_connect() or die('Unable to connect to database server!'); $configuration_query = xtc_db_query('select configuration_key as cfgKey, configuration_value as cfgValue from '.TABLE_CONFIGURATION); while ($configuration = xtc_db_fetch_array($configuration_query)) { define($configuration['cfgKey'], $configuration['cfgValue']); } require_once (DIR_WS_CLASSES.'class.phpmailer.php'); if (EMAIL_TRANSPORT == 'smtp') require_once (DIR_WS_CLASSES.'class.smtp.php'); require_once (DIR_FS_INC.''); // set the application parameters function xtDBquery($query) { if (DB_CACHE == 'true') { // echo 'cached query: '.$query.'<br>'; $result = xtc_db_queryCached($query); } else { // echo '::'.$query .'<br>'; $result = xtc_db_query($query); } return $result; } function CacheCheck() { if (USE_CACHE == 'false') return false; if (!isset($_COOKIE['sid'])) return false; return true; } // if gzip_compression is enabled, start to buffer the output if ((GZIP_COMPRESSION == 'true') && ($ext_zlib_loaded = extension_loaded('zlib')) && (PHP_VERSION >= '4')) { if (($ini_zlib_output_compression = (int) ini_get('zlib.output_compression')) < 1) { ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); } else { ini_set('zlib.output_compression_level', GZIP_LEVEL); } } ################################## UOS MODULES Start ################################################# require_once('uos_application_top.php'); #################################### UOS MODULES End ################################################# // set the HTTP GET parameters manually if search_engine_friendly_urls is enabled if (SEARCH_ENGINE_FRIENDLY_URLS == 'true') { if (strlen(getenv('PATH_INFO')) > 1) { $GET_array = array (); $PHP_SELF = str_replace(getenv('PATH_INFO'), '', $PHP_SELF); $vars = explode('/', substr(getenv('PATH_INFO'), 1)); for ($i = 0, $n = sizeof($vars); $i < $n; $i ++) { if (strpos($vars[$i], '[]')) { $GET_array[substr($vars[$i], 0, -2)][] = $vars[$i +1]; } else { $_GET[$vars[$i]] = htmlspecialchars($vars[$i +1]); } $i ++; } if (sizeof($GET_array) > 0) { while (list ($key, $value) = each($GET_array)) { $_GET[$key] = $value; } } } } // check GET/POST/COOKIE VARS require (DIR_WS_CLASSES.'class.inputfilter.php'); $InputFilter = new InputFilter(); $_GET = $InputFilter->process($_GET, true); $_POST = $InputFilter->process($_POST); // set the top level domains $http_domain = xtc_get_top_level_domain(HTTP_SERVER); $https_domain = xtc_get_top_level_domain(HTTPS_SERVER); $current_domain = (($request_type == 'NONSSL') ? $http_domain : $https_domain); // include shopping cart class require (DIR_WS_CLASSES.'shopping_cart.php'); // include navigation history class require (DIR_WS_CLASSES.'navigation_history.php'); // some code to solve compatibility issues require (DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS.'compatibility.php'); // define how the session functions will be used require (DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS.'sessions.php'); // set the session name and save path session_name('sid'); if (STORE_SESSIONS != 'mysql') session_save_path(SESSION_WRITE_DIRECTORY); // set the session cookie parameters if (function_exists('session_set_cookie_params')) { session_set_cookie_params(0, '/', (xtc_not_null($current_domain) ? '.'.$current_domain : '')); } elseif (function_exists('ini_set')) { ini_set('session.cookie_lifetime', '0'); ini_set('session.cookie_path', '/'); ini_set('session.cookie_domain', (xtc_not_null($current_domain) ? '.'.$current_domain : '')); } // set the session ID if it exists if (isset ($_POST[session_name()])) { session_id($_POST[session_name()]); } elseif (($request_type == 'SSL') && isset ($_GET[session_name()])) { session_id($_GET[session_name()]); } // start the session $session_started = false; if (SESSION_FORCE_COOKIE_USE == 'True') { xtc_setcookie('cookie_test', 'please_accept_for_session', time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30, '/', $current_domain); if (isset ($_COOKIE['cookie_test'])) { session_start(); include (DIR_WS_INCLUDES.'tracking.php'); $session_started = true; } } else { session_start(); include (DIR_WS_INCLUDES.'tracking.php'); $session_started = true; } // check the Agent $truncate_session_id = false; if (CHECK_CLIENT_AGENT) { if (xtc_check_agent() == 1) { $truncate_session_id = true; } } // verify the ssl_session_id if the feature is enabled if (($request_type == 'SSL') && (SESSION_CHECK_SSL_SESSION_ID == 'True') && (ENABLE_SSL == true) && ($session_started == true)) { $ssl_session_id = getenv('SSL_SESSION_ID'); if (!session_is_registered('SSL_SESSION_ID')) { $_SESSION['SESSION_SSL_ID'] = $ssl_session_id; } if ($_SESSION['SESSION_SSL_ID'] != $ssl_session_id) { session_destroy(); xtc_redirect(xtc_href_link(FILENAME_SSL_CHECK)); } } // verify the browser user agent if the feature is enabled if (SESSION_CHECK_USER_AGENT == 'True') { $http_user_agent = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); $http_user_agent2 = strtolower(getenv("HTTP_USER_AGENT")); $http_user_agent = ($http_user_agent == $http_user_agent2) ? $http_user_agent : $http_user_agent.';'.$http_user_agent2; if (!isset ($_SESSION['SESSION_USER_AGENT'])) { $_SESSION['SESSION_USER_AGENT'] = $http_user_agent; } if ($_SESSION['SESSION_USER_AGENT'] != $http_user_agent) { session_destroy(); xtc_redirect(xtc_href_link(FILENAME_LOGIN)); } } // verify the IP address if the feature is enabled if (SESSION_CHECK_IP_ADDRESS == 'True') { $ip_address = xtc_get_ip_address(); if (!isset ($_SESSION['SESSION_IP_ADDRESS'])) { $_SESSION['SESSION_IP_ADDRESS'] = $ip_address; } if ($_SESSION['SESSION_IP_ADDRESS'] != $ip_address) { session_destroy(); xtc_redirect(xtc_href_link(FILENAME_LOGIN)); } } // set the language if (!isset ($_SESSION['language']) || isset ($_GET['language'])) { include (DIR_WS_CLASSES.'language.php'); $lng = new language(xtc_input_validation($_GET['language'], 'char', '')); if (!isset ($_GET['language'])) $lng->get_browser_language(); $_SESSION['language'] = $lng->language['directory']; $_SESSION['languages_id'] = $lng->language['id']; $_SESSION['language_charset'] = $lng->language['language_charset']; $_SESSION['language_code'] = $lng->language['code']; } if (isset($_SESSION['language']) && !isset($_SESSION['language_charset'])) { include (DIR_WS_CLASSES.'language.php'); $lng = new language(xtc_input_validation($_SESSION['language'], 'char', '')); $_SESSION['language'] = $lng->language['directory']; $_SESSION['languages_id'] = $lng->language['id']; $_SESSION['language_charset'] = $lng->language['language_charset']; $_SESSION['language_code'] = $lng->language['code']; } // include the language translations require (DIR_WS_LANGUAGES.$_SESSION['language'].'/'.$_SESSION['language'].'.php'); // currency if (!isset ($_SESSION['currency']) || isset ($_GET['currency']) || ((USE_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CURRENCY == 'true') && (LANGUAGE_CURRENCY != $_SESSION['currency']))) { if (isset ($_GET['currency'])) { if (!$_SESSION['currency'] = xtc_currency_exists($_GET['currency'])) $_SESSION['currency'] = (USE_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CURRENCY == 'true') ? LANGUAGE_CURRENCY : DEFAULT_CURRENCY; } else { $_SESSION['currency'] = (USE_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CURRENCY == 'true') ? LANGUAGE_CURRENCY : DEFAULT_CURRENCY; } } if (isset ($_SESSION['currency']) && $_SESSION['currency'] == '') { $_SESSION['currency'] = DEFAULT_CURRENCY; } // write customers status in session require (DIR_WS_INCLUDES.'write_customers_status.php'); // testing new price class require (DIR_WS_CLASSES.'main.php'); $main = new main(); require (DIR_WS_CLASSES.'xtcPrice.php'); $xtPrice = new xtcPrice($_SESSION['currency'], $_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id']); // econda tracking if (TRACKING_ECONDA_ACTIVE=='true') { require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'econda/class.econda304SP2.php'); $econda = new econda(); } // paypal require_once (DIR_WS_CLASSES.'paypal_checkout.php'); $o_paypal = new paypal_checkout(); require (DIR_WS_INCLUDES.FILENAME_CART_ACTIONS); // create the shopping cart & fix the cart if necesary if (!is_object($_SESSION['cart'])) { $_SESSION['cart'] = new shoppingCart(); } require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'wish_list.php'); // create the wish list & fix the list if necesary if (!is_object($_SESSION['wishList'])) { $_SESSION['wishList'] = new shoppingCart(); } // include the who's online functions xtc_update_whos_online(); // split-page-results require (DIR_WS_CLASSES.'split_page_results.php'); // infobox require (DIR_WS_CLASSES.'boxes.php'); // auto activate and expire banners xtc_activate_banners(); xtc_expire_banners(); // auto expire special products xtc_expire_specials(); require (DIR_WS_CLASSES.'product.php'); // new p URLS if (isset ($_GET['info'])) { $site = explode('_', $_GET['info']); $pID = $site[0]; $actual_products_id = (int) str_replace('p', '', $pID); $product = new product($actual_products_id); } // also check for old 3.0.3 URLS elseif (isset($_GET['products_id'])) { $actual_products_id = (int) $_GET['products_id']; $product = new product($actual_products_id); } if (!is_object($product)) { $product = new product(); } // new c URLS if (isset ($_GET['cat'])) { $site = explode('_', $_GET['cat']); $cID = $site[0]; $cID = str_replace('c', '', $cID); $_GET['cPath'] = xtc_get_category_path($cID); } // new m URLS if (isset ($_GET['manu'])) { $site = explode('_', $_GET['manu']); $mID = $site[0]; $mID = (int)str_replace('m', '', $mID); $_GET['manufacturers_id'] = $mID; } // calculate category path if (isset ($_GET['cPath'])) { $cPath = xtc_input_validation($_GET['cPath'], 'cPath', ''); } elseif (is_object($product) && !isset ($_GET['manufacturers_id'])) { if ($product->isProduct()) { $cPath = xtc_get_product_path($actual_products_id); } else { $cPath = ''; } } else { $cPath = ''; } if (xtc_not_null($cPath)) { $cPath_array = xtc_parse_category_path($cPath); $cPath = implode('_', $cPath_array); $current_category_id = $cPath_array[(sizeof($cPath_array) - 1)]; } else { $current_category_id = 0; } // include the breadcrumb class and start the breadcrumb trail require (DIR_WS_CLASSES.'breadcrumb.php'); $breadcrumb = new breadcrumb; $breadcrumb->add(HEADER_TITLE_TOP, HTTP_SERVER); //$breadcrumb->add(HEADER_TITLE_CATALOG, xtc_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT)); // add category names or the manufacturer name to the breadcrumb trail if (isset ($cPath_array)) { for ($i = 0, $n = sizeof($cPath_array); $i < $n; $i ++) { if (GROUP_CHECK == 'true') { $group_check = "and c.group_permission_".$_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_id']."=1 "; } $categories_query = xtDBquery("select cd.categories_name from ".TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION." cd, ".TABLE_CATEGORIES." c where cd.categories_id = '".$cPath_array[$i]."' and c.categories_id=cd.categories_id ".$group_check." and cd.language_id='".(int) $_SESSION['languages_id']."'"); if (xtc_db_num_rows($categories_query,true) > 0) { $categories = xtc_db_fetch_array($categories_query,true); $breadcrumb->add($categories['categories_name'], xtc_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, xtc_category_link($cPath_array[$i], $categories['categories_name']))); } else { break; } } } elseif (xtc_not_null($_GET['manufacturers_id'])) { $manufacturers_query = xtDBquery("select manufacturers_name from ".TABLE_MANUFACTURERS." where manufacturers_id = '".(int) $_GET['manufacturers_id']."'"); $manufacturers = xtc_db_fetch_array($manufacturers_query, true); $breadcrumb->add($manufacturers['manufacturers_name'], xtc_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, xtc_manufacturer_link((int) $_GET['manufacturers_id'], $manufacturers['manufacturers_name']))); } // add the products model/name to the breadcrumb trail if ($product->isProduct()) { $breadcrumb->add($product->getBreadcrumbModel(), xtc_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, xtc_product_link($product->data['products_id'], $product->data['products_name']))); } // initialize the message stack for output messages require (DIR_WS_CLASSES.'message_stack.php'); $messageStack = new messageStack; // set which precautions should be checked define('WARN_INSTALL_EXISTENCE', 'true'); define('WARN_CONFIG_WRITEABLE', 'true'); define('WARN_SESSION_DIRECTORY_NOT_WRITEABLE', 'true'); define('WARN_SESSION_AUTO_START', 'true'); define('WARN_DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY_NOT_READABLE', 'true'); // Include Template Engine require (DIR_WS_CLASSES.'Smarty_2.6.22/Smarty.class.php'); if (isset ($_SESSION['customer_id'])) { $account_type_query = xtc_db_query("SELECT account_type, customers_default_address_id FROM ".TABLE_CUSTOMERS." WHERE customers_id = '".(int) $_SESSION['customer_id']."'"); $account_type = xtc_db_fetch_array($account_type_query); // check if zone id is unset bug #0000169 if (!isset ($_SESSION['customer_country_id'])) { $zone_query = xtc_db_query("SELECT entry_country_id FROM ".TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK." WHERE customers_id='".(int) $_SESSION['customer_id']."' and address_book_id='".$account_type['customers_default_address_id']."'"); $zone = xtc_db_fetch_array($zone_query); $_SESSION['customer_country_id'] = $zone['entry_country_id']; } $_SESSION['account_type'] = $account_type['account_type']; } else { $_SESSION['account_type'] = '0'; } // modification for nre graduated system unset ($_SESSION['actual_content']); // econda tracking if (TRACKING_ECONDA_ACTIVE=='true') { require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'econda/emos.php'); } xtc_count_cart(); include_once(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'birthday_mails.php'); sendBirthdayMails(); include_once(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'stock_mails.php'); sendstockmails(); include('affiliate_application_top.php'); ?> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fry Posted March 15, 2011 Report Share Posted March 15, 2011 So wie ich das sehe ist das ein Fertigshop von Strato, also der mit den Powerpaketen ausgelieferte. Entweder wieder zurück in den alten Ordner oder die Konfigurationsdateien anpassen (lassen). U.U. neue Lizenz bei Strato holen. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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