DeluxeShop Posted August 22, 2011 Report Share Posted August 22, 2011 Hallo. Ich habe mich heute bei Automatic Backlinks angemeldet, und muss dafür einen Code einbinden.Meine Frage: Wie und wo kann ich diesen Code einfügen damit die Seite auch noch funktioniert ? Habe es in der index.html vom template versucht aber dann bleibt die komplette Seite weiss. Der Code sieht wie folgt aus (php): /** * - PHP linking code * Copy and paste this code in your php document where you want your links to display * Make sure that this code is inside PHP tags */ error_reporting(1); //Settings $abCacheFolderName = "automaticbacklinks_cache"; $abAccountCode = "f7516f779ef139f39d11c18c7037a232"; $abCacheHours = "24"; /** * Do not change anything below * Do not change anything below * Do not change anything below * Do not change anything below * Do not change anything below */ $v = "2.3"; $s = "php"; $abMsg = array(); if (trim($_GET['ab_debug']) == 'f7516f779ef139f39d11c18c7037a232') { $debug = true; echo "<li />Version: ".$v; echo "<li />System: ".$s; unset($_GET['ab_debug']); } //Create cache folder if it does not exist $cacheFolder = abGetCacheFolder($abCacheFolderName, $debug); if ($cacheFolder) { //Current URL $page = abGetPageUrl($debug); if (abIsValidUrl($page, $debug)) { $cacheFileName = $cacheFolder."/".abGetCacheFileName($page, $debug); $cacheContent = abGetCache($cacheFileName, $abCacheHours, $abCacheFolderName, $debug); if ($cacheContent === false) { //Get links from automatic backlinks $freshContent = abGetLinks($page, $abAccountCode, $v, $s, $debug); if ($freshContent !== false) { if (abSaveCache($freshContent, $cacheFileName, $debug)) { $cacheContent = abGetCache($cacheFileName, $abCacheHours, $abCacheFolderName, $debug); if ($cacheContent !== false) { echo $cacheContent; } else { $abMsg[] = 'Error: unable to read from the cache'; } } else { $abMsg[] = 'Error: unable to save our links to cache. Please make sure that the folder '.$abCacheFolderName.' located in the folder '.$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].' and has CHMOD 0777'; } } else { $abMsg[] = 'Error: unable to get links from server. Please make sure that your site supports either file_get_contents() or the cURL library.'; } } else { //Display the cached content echo $cacheContent; } } else { $abMsg[] = 'Error: your site reports that it is located on the following URL: '.$page.' - This is not a valid URL and we can not display links on this page. This is probably due to an incorrect setting of the $_SERVER variable.'; } } else { $abMsg[] = 'Error: Unable to create or read from your link cache folder. Please try to create a folder by the name "'.$abCacheFolderName.'" directly in the root of your site and CHMOD the folder to 0777'; } foreach ($abMsg as $error) { echo $error."<br />"; } /** * Helper functions */ function abSaveCache($content, $file, $debug=false) { //Prepend a timestamp to the content $content = time()."|".$content; echo ($debug) ? "<li />Saving Cache: ".$content : ""; $fh = fopen($file, 'w'); if ($fh !== false) { if (!fwrite($fh, $content)) { echo ($debug) ? "<li />Error Saving Cache!" : ""; return false; } } else { echo ($debug) ? "<li />Error opening cache file for writing!" : ""; return false; } if (!fclose($fh)) { echo ($debug) ? "<li />Error closing file handle!" : ""; return false; } if (!file_exists($file)) { echo ($debug) ? "<li />Error could not create cache file!" : ""; return false; } else { echo ($debug) ? "<li />Cache file created successfully" : ""; return true; } } //Deletes any cache file that is older than 24 hours function abClearOldCache($cacheFolderName, $cacheHours, $debug=false) { $cacheFolder = abGetCacheFolder($cacheFolderName); if (is_dir($cacheFolder)) { if ($dh = opendir($cacheFolder)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if (strpos($file, ".cache")) { $modified = filemtime($cacheFolder."/".$file); $timeCutOff = time()-(60*60*$cacheHours); if ($modified < $timeCutOff) { @unlink($cacheFolder."/".$file); } } } closedir($dh); } } } //Returns the full path to the cache folder and also creates it if it does not work function abGetCacheFolder($cacheFolderName, $debug=false) { if (isset($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])) { $docRoot = rtrim($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'],"/"); //Remove any trailing slashes } else if (isset($_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED'])) { $docRoot = rtrim(substr($_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED'], 0, 0 - strlen($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])), '\\'); $docRoot = str_replace('\\\\', '/', $docRoot); } else { echo ($debug) ? "<li />Error: Could not construct cache path" : ""; } $cacheFolder = $docRoot."/".$cacheFolderName; echo ($debug) ? "<li />Cache folder is: ".$cacheFolder : ""; if (!file_exists($cacheFolder)) { echo ($debug) ? "<li />Cache folder does not exist: ".$cacheFolder : ""; if (!@mkdir($cacheFolder,0777)) { echo ($debug) ? "<li />Error - could not create cache folder: ".$cacheFolder : ""; return false; } else { echo ($debug) ? "<li />Successfully created cache folder" : ""; //Also make an empty default html file $blankFile = $cacheFolder."/index.html"; if (!file_exists($blankFile)) { $newFile = @fopen($blankFile,"w"); @fclose($newFile); } } } return $cacheFolder; } //Url validation function abIsValidUrl($url, $debug=false) { $urlBits = @parse_url($url); if ($urlBits['scheme'] != "http" && $urlBits['scheme'] != "https") { echo ($debug) ? "<li />Error! URL does not start with http: ".$url : ""; return false; } else if (strlen($urlBits['host']) < 4 || strpos($urlBits['host'], ".") === false) { echo ($debug) ? "<li />Error! URL is incorrect: ".$url : ""; return false; } return true; } //Get the name of the cache file name function abGetCacheFileName($url, $debug=false) { $cacheFileName = md5($url).".cache"; echo ($debug) ? "<li />Cache file name for URL: ".$url." is ".$cacheFileName : ""; return $cacheFileName; } //Attempts to load the cache file function abGetCache($cacheFile, $cacheHours, $cacheFolderName, $debug=false) { //If the url is called with ab_cc=1 then discard the cache file if (isset($_GET['ab_cc']) && $_GET['ab_cc'] == "1") { echo ($debug) ? "<li />Clear cache invoked!" : ""; abRemoveCacheFile($cacheFile); unset($_GET['ab_cc']); return false; } if (!file_exists($cacheFile)) { echo ($debug) ? "<li />Error! Cache file does not exist! ".$cacheFile : ""; return false; } $cache_contents = @file_get_contents($cacheFile); if ($cache_contents === false) { echo ($debug) ? "<li />Error: Cache file is completely empty!" : ""; return false; } else { echo ($debug) ? "<li />Cache file contents".$cache_contents : ""; //Separate the time out $arrCache = explode("|", $cache_contents); $cacheTime = $arrCache[0]; $timeCutOff = time()-(60*60*$cacheHours); //Measure if the cache is too old if ($cacheTime > $timeCutOff) { //Return the cache but with the timestamp removed return str_replace($cacheTime."|", "", $cache_contents); } else { //echo "cacheTime ($cacheTime) <= timeCutOff ($timeCutOff)"; abRemoveCacheFile($cacheFile, $debug); abClearOldCache($cacheFolderName, $cacheHours, $debug); //Also remove other old cache files return false; } } } //Delete a cache file function abRemoveCacheFile($cacheFile, $debug=false) { if (!@unlink($cacheFile)) { echo ($debug) ? "<li />Error: Could not remove cache file: ".$cacheFile : ""; return false; } else { echo ($debug) ? "<li />Successfully removed the cache file: ".$cacheFile : ""; return true; } } //Loads links from the automaticbacklinks web site function abGetLinks($page, $accountCode, $v, $s, $debug=false) { //Make the URL $url = ""; $url = $url."?a=".$accountCode; $url = $url."&v=".$v; $url = $url."&s=".$s; $url = $url."&page=".urlencode($page); echo ($debug) ? "<li />Making call to AB: ".$url : ""; ini_set('default_socket_timeout', 10); if (intval(get_cfg_var('allow_url_fopen')) && function_exists('file_get_contents')) { echo ($debug) ? "<li />Using file_get_contents()" : ""; $links = @file_get_contents($url); } else if (intval(get_cfg_var('allow_url_fopen')) && function_exists('file')) { echo ($debug) ? "<li />Using file()" : ""; if ($content = @file($url)) { $links = @join('', $content); } } else if (function_exists('curl_init')) { echo ($debug) ? "<li />Using cURL()" : ""; $ch = curl_init ($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $links = curl_exec($ch); curl_close ($ch); } else { echo ($debug) ? "<li />Error: no method available to fetch links!" : ""; return false; } return $links; } //remove ab_cc etc. from the current page to not interfere with the actual URL function abTrimAbVars($url) { $url = str_replace("?ab_cc=1", "", $url); $url = str_replace("&ab_cc=1", "", $url); $url = str_replace("?ab_debug=f7516f779ef139f39d11c18c7037a232", "", $url); $url = str_replace("&ab_debug=f7516f779ef139f39d11c18c7037a232", "", $url); $url = str_replace("&phpinfo=1", "", $url); return $url; } //Get page function abGetPageUrl($debug=false) { $query = ""; $protocol = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) != "off") ? "https://" : "http://"; $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; if ($_SERVER["REDIRECT_URL"]) { //Redirect if (isset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_SCRIPT_URI'])) { //Use URI - it is complete $page = $_SERVER['REDIRECT_SCRIPT_URI']; } else { //Use file and query $file = $_SERVER["REDIRECT_URL"]; if (isset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING'])) { $query = "?".$_SERVER['REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING']; } } } else { //No redirect if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { //Use URI if (substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],0,4) == "http") { //Request URI has host in it $page = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } else { //Request uri lacks host $page = $protocol.$host.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } } else if (isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_URI'])) { //Use URI - it is complete $page = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_URI']; } else { $file = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $query = "?".$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } } } if (!$page) { $page = $protocol.$host.$file.$query; } $page = abTrimAbVars($page); echo ($debug) ? "<li />This page is reported as: ".$page : ""; return $page; } //Show phpinfo if debug is on and phpinfo is requested if ($debug && $_GET['phpinfo']) { ?> <style type="text/css"> #phpinfo_div { position:fixed; bottom:0; left:0; height:300px; width:100%; overflow:scroll; background:#F0F0F0; color:#000; border-top:2px solid; z-index:999; } </style> <div id="phpinfo_div"> <?php echo phpinfo(); ?> </div> <?php } Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
oldbear Posted August 22, 2011 Report Share Posted August 22, 2011 hi, wenn das überhaupt geht, dann nur so: {php} .....geposteter Code {/php} Grüsse Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeluxeShop Posted August 22, 2011 Author Report Share Posted August 22, 2011 Ok das war fast zu einfach ich hatte <php> benutzt. Funzt jetzt, danke ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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