marcobasse Posted September 11, 2008 Report Share Posted September 11, 2008 Bei mir hat Google eine Kleinigkeit auszusätzen: [B]Einleitender Leerraum[/B] Ihre XML-Sitemap-Datei beginnt mit einem Leerraum. Wir haben die Datei angenommen, es wird jedoch empfohlen, den Leerraum zu entfernen, damit die Datei dem XML-Standard entspricht. Habt Ihr ähnliche Probleme? Wenn ja, wie habt Ihr das behoben? Danke Ja hatten das gleiche Problem haben. mache die Leerzeilen zwischen define('SITEMAPINDEX_HEADER', " und <?xml weg, das gleiche machst du hier auch: define('SITEMAP_HEADER', " und <?xml danach lüppt das richtig... Gruß Mathis Klooß Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
reinhardt Posted September 12, 2008 Report Share Posted September 12, 2008 Mit dem automatischen Ping an Google geht leider nicht. Warning: fopen(): URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration[/CODE] Damit der Befehl "fopen(" funktioniert müsste ich die Einstellung der php.ini ändern, was ich aber nicht kann. Ist auch eigentlich ein Sicherheitsrisiko. So habe ich in der Datei column_left.php das "&ping=true" gelöscht und rufe nachträglich die URL von Hand auf. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snyware Posted September 12, 2008 Report Share Posted September 12, 2008 Ja, da müßte "allow_url_fopen" aktiviert werden, und wenn nicht gesperrt, evtl. über die ini_set() aktivieren. Genu, willst Du das Sicherheitsleck nicht öffnen, ist der direkte Weg über den URL der bessere Weg. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
quelleshop Posted September 13, 2008 Report Share Posted September 13, 2008 Hallo, mein Provider schreibt dazu: Hallo url_fopen ist die größte Sicherheitslücke, seit es PHP gibt? Von mir aus können Sie es aktivieren, aber wir werden die VPS sofort deaktivieren müssen, wenn dadurch sich ein Hacker einschleicht. Gute Programmierer ersetzen daher url_fopen durch cURL, das hat den gleichen Effekt, jedoch ist es nicht einbrechbar. Vielleicht weiss ja jemand wie man das Script auf cURL ändern kann, da wäre die die Änderung der PhP.ini ja hinfällig. Gruß Achim Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snyware Posted September 13, 2008 Report Share Posted September 13, 2008 Es ist schon eine Sicherheitslücke, allerdings nur bzw. fast nur in Verbindung mit register_globals = on (fast immer default) . Zu cURL gibt es hier infos : Aber warum ist das so schlimm ? Rufe den doch manuell auf und gut. Passiert ja nicht jeden Tag, und den Link kann man sich ja vordefinieren. Das einzigste was Du nicht weißt, ob Google einen http 200 gesendet hat . -------------- You can issue the HTTP request using wget, curl, or another mechanism of your choosing. A successful request will return an HTTP 200 response code; if you receive a different response, you should resubmit your request. The HTTP 200 response code only indicates that the search engine has received your Sitemap, not that the Sitemap itself or the URLs contained in it were valid. An easy way to do this is to set up an automated job to generate and submit Sitemaps on a regular basis. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
figarofreak Posted September 17, 2008 Report Share Posted September 17, 2008 Hallo, dank den vielen Beiträgen das Modul installiert, es läuft. Ein Problem gibt es dennoch: Ich bekomme in der sitemap1.xml nur unvolständige Links. die eigentliche domain z.B: fehlt. Wenn die sitemap1.xml so importiert wird, so meldet Google dass der Link nicht vollständig bzw. falsch ist. Es bleibt mir also nichts anderes übrig, wie die Datei manuell nachzubearbeiten. Grüße Valentin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
marcobasse Posted October 20, 2008 Report Share Posted October 20, 2008 hier mal eine Version die CURL unterstützt... <?php /* osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions Copyright (c) 2005 osCommerce Released under the GNU General Public License @Author: Raphael Vullriede ([email protected]) Port to xtCommerce @Author: Winfried Kaiser ([email protected]) */ require('includes/application_top.php'); // if the customer is not logged on, redirect them to the login page if (!isset($_SESSION['customer_id'])) { xtc_redirect(xtc_href_link(FILENAME_LOGIN, '', 'NONSSL')); } // XML-Specification: define('CHANGEFREQ_CATEGORIES', 'weekly'); // Valid values are "always", "hourly", "daily", "weekly", "monthly", "yearly" and "never". define('CHANGEFREQ_PRODUCTS', 'daily'); // Valid values are "always", "hourly", "daily", "weekly", "monthly", "yearly" and "never". define('PRIORITY_CATEGORIES', '1.0'); define('PRIORITY_PRODUCTS', '0.5'); define('MAX_ENTRYS', 50000); define('MAX_SIZE', 10000000); define('GOOGLE_URL', ''); define('LIVE_URL', ''); define('ASK_URL', ''); $SEO_DOMAINS = array(LIVE_URL,ASK_URL,GOOGLE_URL); define('SITEMAPINDEX_HEADER', "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"."\n".' <sitemapindex xmlns=""'."\n".' xmlns:xsi=""'."\n".' xsi:schemaLocation="'."\n".'">'."\n" ); define('SITEMAPINDEX_FOOTER', '</sitemapindex>'); define('SITEMAPINDEX_ENTRY', "\t".'<sitemap>'."\n\t\t".'<loc>%s</loc>'."\n\t\t".'<lastmod>%s</lastmod>'."\n\t".'</sitemap>'."\n"); define('SITEMAP_HEADER', "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"."\n".' <urlset xmlns=""'."\n".' xmlns:xsi=""'."\n".' xsi:schemaLocation="'."\n".'">'."\n" ); define('SITEMAP_FOOTER', '</urlset>'); define('SITEMAP_ENTRY', "\t".'<url>'."\n\t\t".'<loc>%s</loc>'."\n\t\t".'<priority>%s</priority>'."\n\t\t".'<lastmod>%s</lastmod>'."\n\t\t".'<changefreq>%s</changefreq>'."\n\t".'</url>'."\n"); $smarty = new Smarty; $breadcrumb->add('Google Sitemap', xtc_href_link(FILENAME_GOOGLE_SITEMAP, xtc_get_all_get_params(), 'NONSSL')); // include boxes require(DIR_FS_CATALOG .'templates/'.CURRENT_TEMPLATE. '/source/boxes.php'); require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'header.php'); include (DIR_WS_MODULES . 'default.php'); define('SITEMAP_CATALOG', HTTP_SERVER.DIR_WS_CATALOG); $usegzip = false; $autogenerate = false; $output_to_file = false; $notify_google = false; $notify_url = ''; // request over http or command line? if (!isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'])) { if (count($_SERVER['argv'] > 1)) { // option p ist only possible of min 1 more option isset if ( (strlen($_SERVER['argv'][1]) >= 2) && strpos($_SERVER['argv'][1], 'p') !== true) { $notify_google = true; $_SERVER['argv'][1] = str_replace('p', '', $_SERVER['argv'][1]); } switch($_SERVER['argv'][1]) { // dump to file case '-f': $output_to_file = true; $filename = $_SERVER['argv'][2]; break; // dump to compressed file case '-zf': $usegzip = true; $output_to_file = true; $filename = $_SERVER['argv'][2]; break; // autogenerate sitemaps. useful for sites with more the 500000 Urls case '-a': $autogenerate = true; break; // autogenerate sitemaps and use gzip case '-za': $autogenerate = true; $usegzip = true; break; } } } else { if (count($_GET) > 0) { // dump to file if (isset($_GET['f'])) { $output_to_file = true; $filename = $_GET['f']; } // use gzip $usegzip = (isset($_GET['gzip']) && $_GET['gzip'] == true) ? true : false; // autogenerate sitemaps $autogenerate = (isset($_GET['auto']) && $_GET['auto'] == true) ? true : false; // notify google $notify_google = (isset($_GET['ping']) && $_GET['ping'] == true) ? true : false; } } // use gz... functions for compressed files if ($usegzip) { $function_open = 'gzopen'; $function_close = 'gzclose'; $function_write = 'gzwrite'; $file_extension = '.xml.gz'; } else { $function_open = 'fopen'; $function_close = 'fclose'; $function_write = 'fwrite'; $file_extension = '.xml'; } $c = 0; $i = 1; $sitemap_filename = 'sitemap'.$i.$file_extension; if ($autogenerate) { $filename = $sitemap_filename; } $autogenerate = $autogenerate || $output_to_file; if ($autogenerate) { $fp = $function_open($filename, 'w'); $main_content = "Sitemap-Datei '<b>" . $filename . "</b>' erstellt."; } $notify_url = SITEMAP_CATALOG.$sitemap_filename; output(SITEMAP_HEADER); $strlen = strlen(SITEMAP_HEADER); $cat_result = xtc_db_query(" SELECT c.categories_id, c.parent_id, cd.language_id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(c.date_added) as date_added, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(c.last_modified) as last_modified, l.code FROM ".TABLE_CATEGORIES." c, ".TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION." cd, ".TABLE_LANGUAGES." l WHERE c.categories_id = cd.categories_id AND cd.language_id = l.languages_id ORDER by cd.categories_id "); $cat_array = array(); if (xtc_db_num_rows($cat_result) > 0) { while($cat_data = xtc_db_fetch_array($cat_result)) { $cat_array[$cat_data['categories_id']][$cat_data['code']] = $cat_data; } } reset($cat_array); foreach($cat_array as $lang_array) { foreach($lang_array as $cat_id => $cat_data) { $lang_param = ($cat_data['code'] != DEFAULT_LANGUAGE) ? '&language='.$cat_data['code'] : ''; $date = ($cat_data['last_modified'] != NULL) ? $cat_data['last_modified'] : $cat_data['date_added']; $string = sprintf(SITEMAP_ENTRY, htmlspecialchars(utf8_encode(xtc_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, rv_get_path($cat_data['categories_id'], $cat_data['code']).$lang_param, 'NONSSL', false, SEARCH_ENGINE_FRIENDLY_URLS))) ,PRIORITY_CATEGORIES, iso8601_date($date), CHANGEFREQ_CATEGORIES); $c_cat_total++; output_entry(); } } $product_result = xtc_db_query(" SELECT p.products_id, pd.language_id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(p.products_date_added) as products_date_added, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(p.products_last_modified) as products_last_modified, l.code FROM ".TABLE_PRODUCTS." p, ".TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION." pd, ".TABLE_LANGUAGES." l WHERE p.products_status='1' AND p.products_id = pd.products_id AND pd.language_id = l.languages_id ORDER BY p.products_id "); if (xtc_db_num_rows($product_result) > 0) { while($product_data = xtc_db_fetch_array($product_result)) { $lang_param = ($product_data['code'] != DEFAULT_LANGUAGE) ? '&language='.$product_data['code'] : ''; $date = ($product_data['products_last_modified'] != NULL) ? $product_data['products_last_modified'] : $product_data['products_date_added']; $string = sprintf(SITEMAP_ENTRY, htmlspecialchars(utf8_encode(xtc_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, 'products_id='.$product_data['products_id'].$lang_param, 'NONSSL', false, SEARCH_ENGINE_FRIENDLY_URLS))) , PRIORITY_PRODUCTS, iso8601_date($date), CHANGEFREQ_PRODUCTS); $c_prod_total++; output_entry(); } } output(SITEMAP_FOOTER); if ($autogenerate) { $function_close($fp); } $main_content .= "<br><br>" . $c_cat_total . " <b>Kategorien</b> und " . $c_prod_total . " <b>Produkte</b> exportiert."; // generates sitemap-index file if ($autogenerate && $i > 1) { $sitemap_index_file = 'sitemap_index'.$file_extension; $main_content = $main_content . "<br><br>Sitemap-Index-Datei '<b>" . $sitemap_index_file . "</b>' erstellt."; $notify_url = SITEMAP_CATALOG.$sitemap_index_file; $fp = $function_open('sitemap_index'.$file_extension, 'w'); $function_write($fp, SITEMAPINDEX_HEADER); for($ii=1; $ii<=$i; $ii++) { $function_write($fp, sprintf(SITEMAPINDEX_ENTRY, SITEMAP_CATALOG.'sitemap'.$ii.$file_extension, iso8601_date(time()))); } $function_write($fp, SITEMAPINDEX_FOOTER); $function_close($fp); } if ($notify_google) { foreach (sitemap_curl($notify_url, $SEO_DOMAINS) as $value) { $main_content .= $value.'<hr />'; } } $smarty->caching = 0; $smarty->assign('language', $_SESSION['language']); $smarty->assign('CONTENT_BODY',$main_content); $smarty->assign('BUTTON_CONTINUE','<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_START) . '">' . xtc_image_button('button_continue.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_CONTINUE) . '</a>'); $main_content = $smarty->fetch(CURRENT_TEMPLATE . '/module/google_sitemap.html'); $smarty->assign('main_content',$main_content); if (!defined(RM)) $smarty->load_filter('output', 'note'); $smarty->display(CURRENT_TEMPLATE . '/index.html'); // < PHP5 function iso8601_date($timestamp) { if (PHP_VERSION < 5) { $tzd = date('O',$timestamp); $tzd = substr(chunk_split($tzd, 3, ':'),0,6); return date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', $timestamp) . $tzd; } else { return date('c', $timestamp); } } // generates cPath with helper array function rv_get_path($cat_id, $code) { global $cat_array; $my_cat_array = array($cat_id); while($cat_array[$cat_id][$code]['parent_id'] != 0) { $my_cat_array[] = $cat_array[$cat_id][$code]['parent_id']; $cat_id = $cat_array[$cat_id][$code]['parent_id']; } return 'cPath='.implode('_', array_reverse($my_cat_array)); } function output($string) { global $function_open, $function_close, $function_write, $fp, $autogenerate; if ($autogenerate) { $function_write($fp, $string); } else { echo $string; } } function output_entry() { global $string, $strlen, $c, $autogenerate, $fp, $function_open, $function_close, $main_content, $strlen; output($string); $strlen += strlen($string); $c++; if ($autogenerate) { // 500000 entrys or filesize > 10,485,760 - some space for the last entry if ( $c == MAX_ENTRYS || $strlen >= MAX_SIZE) { output(SITEMAP_FOOTER); $function_close($fp); $c = 0; $i++; $filename = 'sitemap'.$i.$file_extension; $fp = $function_open($filename, 'w'); $main_content = $main_content . "<br>Sitemap-Datei '<b>" . $filename . "</b>' erstellt."; output(SITEMAP_HEADER); $strlen = strlen(SITEMAP_HEADER); } } } // function made by Mathis Klooss ( function sitemap_curl( $notify_url , $mixed=array() ) { $result = ''; $allow_url_fopen = ini_get("allow_url_fopen"); foreach ($mixed as $value) { if($allow_url_fopen == 0 || function_exists('curl_exec') == true) { ob_start(); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $value . urlencode($notify_url)); $user_agent = 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; xtc; sitemap-submitter) xt:commerce sitemap-submitter'; curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $user_agent); $test = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $ob_get_contents = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $out = sitemap_replace($ob_get_contents); $result[] = '<div>'.$value.htmlentities($notify_url).'</div>'.$out; } elseif($allow_url_fopen == 1) { fopen($value.urlencode($notify_url), 'r'); $response = file_get_contents($value . urlencode($notify_url)); $result[] = '<div>'.$value.htmlentities($notify_url).'</div>'.sitemap_replace($response); } } return $result; } function sitemap_replace($result) { preg_match('/<body>(.*?)<\/body>/si', $result, $result); $out = preg_replace( '/<img(.*?)>/si' , '' , $result['1']); $out = preg_replace("/<br(.*?)>/si", "<br />", $out); $out = preg_replace("/<h(.*?)>(.*?)<\/h(.*?)>/si", "<h2>\\2</h2>", $out); $out = str_replace("<br>", "<br />", $out); $out = preg_replace("/<div(.*?)>(.*?)<\/div>/si", "<div>\\2</div>", $out); $out = preg_replace("/<br(.*?)>(.*?)<br(.*?)>(.*?)<br(.*?)>(.*?)<br(.*?)>/si", "", $out); $out = strip_tags($out,'<a>,<p>,<br>,<h2>,<div>'); return $out; } require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'application_bottom.php'); ?>[/PHP] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snyware Posted January 18, 2009 Report Share Posted January 18, 2009 @marcobasse Kann man als gelungene Arbeit betrachten. Gut gemacht ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kuschelbaby Posted May 16, 2009 Report Share Posted May 16, 2009 hallo xt:user, als Entwickler habe ich mir mal die Zeit genommen den lauten Rufen hier zu folgen und das schlanke Script umgeschrieben. <?php /* osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions Copyright (c) 2005 osCommerce Released under the GNU General Public License @Author: Raphael Vullriede ([email protected]) Port to xtCommerce @Author: Winfried Kaiser ([email protected]) */ require('includes/application_top.php'); // if the customer is not logged on, redirect them to the login page if (!isset($_SESSION['customer_id'])) { xtc_redirect(xtc_href_link(FILENAME_LOGIN, '', 'NONSSL')); } // XML-Specification: define('CHANGEFREQ_CATEGORIES', 'weekly'); // Valid values are "always", "hourly", "daily", "weekly", "monthly", "yearly" and "never". define('CHANGEFREQ_PRODUCTS', 'daily'); // Valid values are "always", "hourly", "daily", "weekly", "monthly", "yearly" and "never". define('PRIORITY_CATEGORIES', '1.0'); define('PRIORITY_PRODUCTS', '0.5'); define('MAX_ENTRYS', 50000); define('MAX_SIZE', 10000000); define('GOOGLE_URL', ''); define('LIVE_URL', ''); define('ASK_URL', ''); $SEO_DOMAINS = array(LIVE_URL,ASK_URL,GOOGLE_URL); define('SITEMAPINDEX_HEADER', "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"."\n".' <sitemapindex xmlns=""'."\n".' xmlns:xsi=""'."\n".' xsi:schemaLocation="'."\n".'">'."\n" ); define('SITEMAPINDEX_FOOTER', '</sitemapindex>'); define('SITEMAPINDEX_ENTRY', "\t".'<sitemap>'."\n\t\t".'<loc>%s</loc>'."\n\t\t".'<lastmod>%s</lastmod>'."\n\t".'</sitemap>'."\n"); define('SITEMAP_HEADER', "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"."\n".' <urlset xmlns=""'."\n".' xmlns:xsi=""'."\n".' xsi:schemaLocation="'."\n".'">'."\n" ); define('SITEMAP_FOOTER', '</urlset>'); define('SITEMAP_ENTRY', "\t".'<url>'."\n\t\t".'<loc>%s</loc>'."\n\t\t".'<priority>%s</priority>'."\n\t\t".'<lastmod>%s</lastmod>'."\n\t\t".'<changefreq>%s</changefreq>'."\n\t".'</url>'."\n"); $smarty = new Smarty; $breadcrumb->add('Google Sitemap', xtc_href_link(FILENAME_GOOGLE_SITEMAP, xtc_get_all_get_params(), 'NONSSL')); // include boxes require(DIR_FS_CATALOG .'templates/'.CURRENT_TEMPLATE. '/source/boxes.php'); require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'header.php'); include (DIR_WS_MODULES . 'default.php'); define('SITEMAP_CATALOG', HTTP_SERVER.DIR_WS_CATALOG); $usegzip = false; $autogenerate = false; $output_to_file = false; $notify_google = false; $notify_url = ''; // request over http or command line? if (!isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'])) { if (count($_SERVER['argv'] > 1)) { // option p ist only possible of min 1 more option isset if ( (strlen($_SERVER['argv'][1]) >= 2) && strpos($_SERVER['argv'][1], 'p') !== true) { $notify_google = true; $_SERVER['argv'][1] = str_replace('p', '', $_SERVER['argv'][1]); } switch($_SERVER['argv'][1]) { // dump to file case '-f': $output_to_file = true; $filename = $_SERVER['argv'][2]; break; // dump to compressed file case '-zf': $usegzip = true; $output_to_file = true; $filename = $_SERVER['argv'][2]; break; // autogenerate sitemaps. useful for sites with more the 500000 Urls case '-a': $autogenerate = true; break; // autogenerate sitemaps and use gzip case '-za': $autogenerate = true; $usegzip = true; break; } } } else { if (count($_GET) > 0) { // dump to file if (isset($_GET['f'])) { $output_to_file = true; $filename = $_GET['f']; } // use gzip $usegzip = (isset($_GET['gzip']) && $_GET['gzip'] == true) ? true : false; // autogenerate sitemaps $autogenerate = (isset($_GET['auto']) && $_GET['auto'] == true) ? true : false; // notify google $notify_google = (isset($_GET['ping']) && $_GET['ping'] == true) ? true : false; } } // use gz... functions for compressed files if ($usegzip) { $function_open = 'gzopen'; $function_close = 'gzclose'; $function_write = 'gzwrite'; $file_extension = '.xml.gz'; } else { $function_open = 'fopen'; $function_close = 'fclose'; $function_write = 'fwrite'; $file_extension = '.xml'; } $c = 0; $i = 1; $sitemap_filename = 'sitemap'.$i.$file_extension; if ($autogenerate) { $filename = $sitemap_filename; } $autogenerate = $autogenerate || $output_to_file; if ($autogenerate) { $fp = $function_open($filename, 'w'); $main_content = "Sitemap-Datei '<b>" . $filename . "</b>' erstellt."; } $notify_url = SITEMAP_CATALOG.$sitemap_filename; output(SITEMAP_HEADER); $strlen = strlen(SITEMAP_HEADER); $cat_result = xtc_db_query(" SELECT c.*, cd.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(c.date_added) as date_added, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(c.last_modified) as last_modified, l.code FROM ".TABLE_CATEGORIES." c, ".TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION." cd, ".TABLE_LANGUAGES." l WHERE c.categories_id = cd.categories_id AND cd.language_id = l.languages_id AND c.categories_status = 1 ORDER by cd.categories_id "); $cat_array = array(); if (xtc_db_num_rows($cat_result) > 0) { while($cat_data = xtc_db_fetch_array($cat_result)) { $cat_array[$cat_data['categories_id']][$cat_data['code']] = $cat_data; } } reset($cat_array); foreach($cat_array as $lang_array) { foreach($lang_array as $cat_id => $cat_data) { $lang_param = ($cat_data['code'] != DEFAULT_LANGUAGE) ? '&language='.$cat_data['code'] : ''; $date = ($cat_data['last_modified'] != NULL) ? $cat_data['last_modified'] : $cat_data['date_added']; /** * @author Timo Paul (mail[at] * @since Saturday, 16-th May 2009 * * generate seo-frendly uri's */ $cPath_new = xtc_category_link($cat_data['categories_id'], $cat_data['categories_name']); $string = sprintf(SITEMAP_ENTRY, xtc_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, $cPath_new), PRIORITY_CATEGORIES, iso8601_date($date), CHANGEFREQ_CATEGORIES); $c_cat_total++; output_entry(); } } $stmt = " SELECT p.*, pd.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(p.products_date_added) as products_date_added, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(p.products_last_modified) as products_last_modified, l.* FROM ".TABLE_PRODUCTS." p, ".TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION." pd, ".TABLE_LANGUAGES." l WHERE p.products_status='1' AND p.products_id = pd.products_id AND pd.language_id = l.languages_id ORDER BY p.products_id "; $product_result = xtc_db_query($stmt); if (xtc_db_num_rows($product_result) > 0) { while($product_data = xtc_db_fetch_array($product_result)) { /** * @author Timo Paul (mail[at] * @since Saturday, 16-th May 2009 * * generate article-array with valid seo-uri's */ $pArray = $product->buildDataArray($product_data); $lang_param = ($product_data['code'] != DEFAULT_LANGUAGE) ? '&language='.$product_data['code'] : ''; $date = ($product_data['products_last_modified'] != NULL) ? $product_data['products_last_modified'] : $product_data['products_date_added']; $string = sprintf(SITEMAP_ENTRY, $pArray['PRODUCTS_LINK'], PRIORITY_PRODUCTS, iso8601_date($date), CHANGEFREQ_PRODUCTS); $c_prod_total++; output_entry(); } } output(SITEMAP_FOOTER); if ($autogenerate) { $function_close($fp); } $main_content .= "<br><br>" . $c_cat_total . " <b>Kategorien</b> und " . $c_prod_total . " <b>Produkte</b> exportiert."; // generates sitemap-index file if ($autogenerate && $i > 1) { $sitemap_index_file = 'sitemap_index'.$file_extension; $main_content = $main_content . "<br><br>Sitemap-Index-Datei '<b>" . $sitemap_index_file . "</b>' erstellt."; $notify_url = SITEMAP_CATALOG.$sitemap_index_file; $fp = $function_open('sitemap_index'.$file_extension, 'w'); $function_write($fp, SITEMAPINDEX_HEADER); for($ii=1; $ii<=$i; $ii++) { $function_write($fp, sprintf(SITEMAPINDEX_ENTRY, SITEMAP_CATALOG.'sitemap'.$ii.$file_extension, iso8601_date(time()))); } $function_write($fp, SITEMAPINDEX_FOOTER); $function_close($fp); } if ($notify_google) { foreach (sitemap_curl($notify_url, $SEO_DOMAINS) as $value) { $main_content .= $value.'<hr />'; } } $smarty->caching = 0; $smarty->assign('language', $_SESSION['language']); $smarty->assign('CONTENT_BODY',$main_content); $smarty->assign('BUTTON_CONTINUE','<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_START) . '">' . xtc_image_button('button_continue.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_CONTINUE) . '</a>'); $main_content = $smarty->fetch(CURRENT_TEMPLATE . '/module/google_sitemap.html'); $smarty->assign('main_content',$main_content); if (!defined(RM)) $smarty->load_filter('output', 'note'); $smarty->display(CURRENT_TEMPLATE . '/index.html'); // < PHP5 function iso8601_date($timestamp) { if (PHP_VERSION < 5) { $tzd = date('O',$timestamp); $tzd = substr(chunk_split($tzd, 3, ':'),0,6); return date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', $timestamp) . $tzd; } else { return date('c', $timestamp); } } // generates cPath with helper array function rv_get_path($cat_id, $code) { global $cat_array; $my_cat_array = array($cat_id); while($cat_array[$cat_id][$code]['parent_id'] != 0) { $my_cat_array[] = $cat_array[$cat_id][$code]['parent_id']; $cat_id = $cat_array[$cat_id][$code]['parent_id']; } return 'cPath='.implode('_', array_reverse($my_cat_array)); } function output($string) { global $function_open, $function_close, $function_write, $fp, $autogenerate; if ($autogenerate) { $function_write($fp, $string); } else { echo $string; } } function output_entry() { global $string, $strlen, $c, $autogenerate, $fp, $function_open, $function_close, $main_content, $strlen; output($string); $strlen += strlen($string); $c++; if ($autogenerate) { // 500000 entrys or filesize > 10,485,760 - some space for the last entry if ( $c == MAX_ENTRYS || $strlen >= MAX_SIZE) { output(SITEMAP_FOOTER); $function_close($fp); $c = 0; $i++; $filename = 'sitemap'.$i.$file_extension; $fp = $function_open($filename, 'w'); $main_content = $main_content . "<br>Sitemap-Datei '<b>" . $filename . "</b>' erstellt."; output(SITEMAP_HEADER); $strlen = strlen(SITEMAP_HEADER); } } } // function made by Mathis Klooss ( function sitemap_curl( $notify_url , $mixed=array() ) { $result = ''; $allow_url_fopen = ini_get("allow_url_fopen"); foreach ($mixed as $value) { if($allow_url_fopen == 0 || function_exists('curl_exec') == true) { ob_start(); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $value . urlencode($notify_url)); $user_agent = 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; xtc; sitemap-submitter) xt:commerce sitemap-submitter'; curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $user_agent); $test = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $ob_get_contents = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $out = sitemap_replace($ob_get_contents); $result[] = '<div>'.$value.htmlentities($notify_url).'</div>'.$out; } elseif($allow_url_fopen == 1) { fopen($value.urlencode($notify_url), 'r'); $response = file_get_contents($value . urlencode($notify_url)); $result[] = '<div>'.$value.htmlentities($notify_url).'</div>'.sitemap_replace($response); } } return $result; } function sitemap_replace($result) { preg_match('/<body>(.*?)<\/body>/si', $result, $result); $out = preg_replace( '/<img(.*?)>/si' , '' , $result['1']); $out = preg_replace("/<br(.*?)>/si", "<br />", $out); $out = preg_replace("/<h(.*?)>(.*?)<\/h(.*?)>/si", "<h2>\\2</h2>", $out); $out = str_replace("<br>", "<br />", $out); $out = preg_replace("/<div(.*?)>(.*?)<\/div>/si", "<div>\\2</div>", $out); $out = preg_replace("/<br(.*?)>(.*?)<br(.*?)>(.*?)<br(.*?)>(.*?)<br(.*?)>/si", "", $out); $out = strip_tags($out,'<a>,<p>,<br>,<h2>,<div>'); return $out; } require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'application_bottom.php'); ?> [/php] Als Grundlage diente mir das Script von [i]marcobasse[/i], vielen dank an dieser stelle, eine schöne Umsetzung. Allerdings trat hier wieder das Problem der inaktiven Kategorien auf, natürlich habe ich dies auch behoben. EMPFEHLUNG: Der Aufruf der Datei wurde bist dato immer mit https://www.meine.domain/google_sitemap.php?auto=true&ping=true beschrieben, dies ist allerdings nicht richtig. In den Zeilen 125-129 steht: [php] // autogenerate sitemaps $autogenerate = (isset($_GET['auto']) && $_GET['auto'] == true) ? true : false; // notify google $notify_google = (isset($_GET['ping']) && $_GET['ping'] == true) ? true : false; In den URL-Parametern werden aber immer Strings übergeben, also würde er es ausführen obgleich "true" oder "false" drin steht, denn beides sind Zeichenketten und somit gibt sowohl ('true' == true) als auch ('false' == true) immer true zurück da eine Zeichenkette immer true ist. Die 0 als value allerdings wird als false erkannt und (0 == true) gibt false zurück, so wie es erwartet wird. Ich hoffe somit konnte ich einigen helfen, der letzte Post ist schon einige Monate her, deswegen hab cih keinen blassen wie aktuell dies Thema noch ist. Da ich diesen Post von dem Account meines Kunden aus verfasse, bitte ich Fragen und Anregungen an mail[at]timopaul[dot]biz zu senden. ich verbleibe mit freundlichen Grüßen, Timo Paul -- TIMOPAUL[dot]BIZ Service inklusive ! Fachinformatiker für Anwendungsentwicklung -- Linux is like a wigwam, no windows, no gates and an apache inside -- Software is like sex. It's better when it's free. (Linus Torvalds) -- Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music. (Kristian Wilson, Nintendo Inc., 1989) -- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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